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El Bandito

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Everything posted by El Bandito

  1. Shaved my legs once. Itchy when it grows back. Other Rugby players laugh at you. High heels - nope. Look painful to me.
  2. On the lady front.. The Bandit thinks the Sarge is punching above his weight... Pretty lady! Are the shorts/pants to be replaced? Is this their swan song?
  3. any time Tiger
  4. Fair point well made. Drink what you like!
  5. Joyfully - the world is full of beautiful golf courses. I have played in Norcal - including Pebble and that is gorgeous - but nowhere, I mean nowhere beats Scotland for Golf.
  6. I'll be with you in spirit. Gonna nip to my local for a pint of Betty Stoggs... (Proper Beer)
  7. Pass. I'll ask La Bandita.
  8. Apart. I do like a wafting breeze
  9. its the acronyms that give it away.. my old man was WO at NICSCOA in SHAPE. I remember the feeling of panic I had as he told me that and I had not the faintest notion what any of it meant....
  10. Think Butch Are Butch I just bought pink pants....
  11. couple more letters and you have Alphabet soup.... Military in your family Babs?
  12. I am guessing we are now at 3... Paul - I think we might manage to dress for dinner what?
  13. Not One Puff Ever - Laura. nothing more, nothing less. Keep on keeping on!
  14. Favourite vacation? If you did not live where you live now - where would you like to live and why?
  15. Where did your knowledge of football / soccer come from?
  16. El Bandito

    Ask RobF

    Do you envisage staying in Norwich for ever? What is your dream holiday?
  17. All true.. Generally much easier not to bother with the whole relapse/requit thing...smoking is loads of hassle. :)
  18. Atta girl Sharky! You got this.
  19. Aye You are a long time dead as they say...
  20. Hey Marti... Part of my new regime (Productivity) is the weekly review. Now this is still a work in progress, but it combines GTD (GetThingsdone) and the 7 Habits... To cut a long story short - I put aside an hour or two to got through to do lists and calendars and all that day to day stuff. But I also go through some of the more esoteric stuff - sort of reviewing longer term goals, things that are more important than urgent... Call me Elton - but it's actually not a bad idea to explore this stuff. Yep - feel sad at some stuff...but also, "hey look, I quit smoking. Wahaay!" I think that we used to live in Black and white - grainy smokey sepia tones...all of a sudden, life is in glorious Technicolor. Go with it.
  21. El Bandito


    Excellent. I'm free. in terms of bridesmaids dress - I do prefer a tartan...although just bought some pink Trews...very me I think ;)
  22. El Bandito

    Ask TAC!

    TAC What next? (and I still want to know why the bags don't inflate on the oxygen masks..)
  23. Double thread?

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