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El Bandito

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Everything posted by El Bandito

  1. I will join you Evelyn. NOPE for me
  2. It's Okay Jackie. It's worth 2 threads!
  3. 1. Smoke. Don't smoke. It's my choice. Always.
  4. El Bandito


  5. Tracey - have a look at myfitnesspal.com... sign up and look me up! ;)
  6. Congratulations!
  7. Wahay! Great work Big T. Awesome stuff. Congratulations!
  8. NOPE from me!
  9. Great stuff Trish!
  10. Sharky Yorkshire Boy! How did I miss this one? congratulations my man!
  11. psssssst... Nancy - if you start a beginners post, I'll post in it. My running shoes (semi-retired after 7 outings!) keep looking at me. I could swear that there is an element of reproach in those laces.... I am determined to restart my couch to 5k program. (This means I might actually run for a whole 8 minutes..... ;) )
  12. WYE - I have crossed to the dark side... Research indicates that in the UK - the battle is between the mighty Sonicare (Phillips) and the equally butch Oral B (Braun) I finally pulled the trigger on the Oral B Triumph 5000 http://www.oralb.co.uk/en-GB/productdetail/oral-b-triumph-5000-rechargeable-toothbrush/ I shall report back!
  13. Great work Sir! Congratulations!
  14. Its a power squeak from me... CongRATS!
  15. its 21st here... Congratulations Comrade! Great work.
  16. Hi Evelyn Lots of good advice above. Most quitters struggle for all sorts of reasons. However there are some things that seem to be common to all quits. 1. After all of the thought and internal debate - it is a conscious action to smoke. Therefore - the QUITTER makes the decision. I know that your life is complicated and that you have suffered. However - you are a survivor - you have made it through. The power to quit is YOURS and YOURS alone. I know that you know this. But just think about it for a second. This quit is something completely in YOUR hands, something personal and private to you. That is empowering I think. I agree with your statement "The Power lies in me" 2. Most successful quits are statistically not the first quit. There are some people that quit first time - which is brilliant. But, I believe that most try several times. I know that I quit for 9 months in the late nineties. I relapsed - and here we are in 2014. I let the relapse cost me 15 years. You let it cost you a couple of days. I know you are the smart one. 3. The longer a quit goes on, the easier it gets. It gets easier. Each of us is different. Some folk like to be absorbed in other things and ignore the cravings. Some people laugh and say there are no cravings, some people like to 'fight' with their cravings. Shout and scream at them. Which answer is right for you - I don't know. Everyone here wants to support you the best way that they know, Evelyn. You can do this. :D
  17. NOPE from me
  18. NOPE for me
  19. Great work Betsy! congratulations!
  20. Hey DW! Late to this - but Congratulations! Well Done.
  21. don't tell me you are still on the downs though! Gorgeous here too.
  22. Hey onefluffyleg! Thinking of you. I hope the weekend went well!
  23. NOPE for me!
  24. Great work Sandy! Well done you. Congratulations!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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