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El Bandito

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Everything posted by El Bandito

  1. Great work DD! Congratulations!
  2. another trigger beaten T... you have this :D
  3. Oooops! Late today. It's NOPE for me.
  4. NOPE I'm sure he still Quit Smoking though - just busy on the road.
  5. Ah Quit it MQ! Stop it I say! People are here to quit smoking, read quit smoking blogs, participate in a quit smoking community or rather a community that supports people quitting smoking. People in the UK don't quit smoking - we stop smoking. So this is a Stop Smoking support community that offers help advice and support to those stopping smoking!
  6. Quitting smoking. Where to get help to quit smoking? Where to get support to quit smoking? Where to find advice on quitting smoking? Where to find a Quit Smoking support community? All Aboard! The Quittrain is where you can find help quitting smoking, support quitting smoking, a support community for quitting smoking. It really helps - the role of a quit support community can not be underestimated.
  7. It is absolutely never too late. At the start of a quit - it is about the next hour, the next half an hour, the next minute. Easy Peasy or not, mental or physical - the addiction is there. The addiction tells the addict to administer. At times, I quit hour at a time - I would say out loud - "OK craving. I hear you. I am not going to smoke now. I will not smoke for an hour - then we will talk again." Then I would think about my reasons for quitting. I would think about my wife. (She is terrified that I will leave her alone) I promised her that I would do anything that I could to be there for her. Willfully contributing to my own death doesn't fit with that promise ;) Have you written it down Amy? Have you actually got a pen and some paper and written down why you want to quit (at some point)? One of the first things that I learned - was that I am in control. I can - if I want to, go to the store right now, buy some cigarettes and smoke them. Will the world stop turning? Will life as we know it - cease? Nope. The vast majority of the world won't know, won't notice and won't care. I am not going to go buy some and smoke them, because I choose not to. Nothing more, nothing less.
  8. Good news! Hey Emma - great to hear you are still smokefree! Great work.
  9. exciting times...particularly for the counting games... ;)
  10. Thanks everybody! Feeling tickety-boo...TGIF!
  11. and there was I thinking it was just because you were langered.... :blink: Another trigger defeated Tracey...keep smiling!
  12. Hey Amy You are right. You need to be determined. We can't be that for you. I know that you have read lots of things, watched videos etc..so I am not sure if I can find the words that will prompt you...and it really annoys me, because I like to think I am good with words... How about this? - let's talk about it. Right now - you cannot commit to quitting smoking. OK. Can you commit to coming here and posting every day and talking about it? Or is that too scary? I found the best way of continuing to smoke was to not engage in thought and conversation about smoking. The old 'head in the sand' approach. I used it very effectively for 20 years. My old man used it very effectively until it killed him stone dead at 59. I miss him. Is this the approach you are taking? Amy - I understand that you are tired. I understand that quitting can seem relentless. I know that sometimes its just easier to not think about it. Come here and post. Talk to us. Help us in our quits. It helps us when we post about our experiences, it reminds us why we quit and why we want to stay quit.
  13. TGIF! Morning!

    1. BAT


      Morning !!!

    2. Tink


      afternoon :)

  14. Hey Sin Welcome Aboard and Congratulations on the best decision you will ever make. For me the key was education. Learning. The good news is you can quit. if you want to, you will. It is doable. Keep reading and keep posting! Good to meet you.
  15. Im with you Evelyn. NOPE from me.
  16. Deadly! Great work Sue. Onwards and upwards!
  17. Go Breakfast Meat! Thoughts and prayers from the islands...
  18. Golf and Riding a Harley have a lot in common you know. Only reason you are fitter is that you have to push your bike more than I have to push my golf clubs. Thought about biking but imagine what all that mucky oil would do to my fingernails! Tracey actually took her nieces and 4 friends camping. They used one of my kilts as a tent. What makes you think Action isn't already my Pimp? FORE!
  19. It's NOPE from me.
  20. Well - there's a surprise! I quit in Mexico - at what would have been 0600 GMT on the 27th of January. It is now 1151 GMT on the 28th of May. By my reckoning - that makes me 4 months free of cigarettes. Whatever my ticker says! Yay Me! Stats: at the time of writing 1,163,423 people have died of smoking related illness since I quit. 3640 cigarettes I have avoided £1,456 I have saved (around 2,300 USD) Do I get craves? Nope. The occasional trigger - or passing thought, but that's it. Do I feel better? 100% Do I smell better?? Oh Yes! Am I fitter? Yes. Do I feel in control. Yes. What do I miss about smoking? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. So - if you are musing / mulling / lurking. Quit. What's the worst that can happen? To you guys here. You know who you are. All of you Thanks. Thanks a lot!
  21. La Bandita! without me - she would have none to drive her up the wall, round the corner and back down the wall again. Oh - and the Dog would miss the walks. For me - its me. All me. I got stuff I want to do - and killing myself is not on that list. Grudgingly - I accept that I might die one day - and I try to live like every day is my last - but why on earth would I want to spend time choking myself? Been there - done that.
  22. Good lad! More battle scars ;) Well done you Jackie - on all fronts! You did all the right things.
  23. Well done Evelyn - Well done Rowly. Some times you just tough it out. Great work.
  24. Great work Ms Lace! Fantastic achievement - congratulations! :D

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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