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El Bandito

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Everything posted by El Bandito

  1. I think it all depends on the seasoning and the sauce...cat can be to anyone's taste. It's in the preparation.
  2. Great work! Well done you. Your blood sugars will go a little nuts...cranberry juice is a good thing to have on hand.
  3. Great work Beth! Congratulations.
  4. Tracey, I think that you are trying all the right things...but the snacks indicate that you are feeling hungry. Fruit me dear. You know Allen Carr also wrote a weight loss book? I'm not on commission, but myfitnesspal.com. You can put it on the phone, tap in what you eat and it will track the calories for you. Much better than guessing!
  5. Hey there Brittany! Great work fighting the crave. Each battle you win like that makes the next one that little bit easier. So congratulations! You beat the hardest one, so you can beat the next one. In the early days we all quit one minute at a time, but very quickly it gets easier. You are doing great! And team! Fantastic work getting on it. That's why the Quit Train is such an incredible place. well done!
  6. Smoking kills. I don't do it anymore and today I pledge, Not One Puff Ever...just for today. Who will join me?
  7. El Bandito

    Real Name

    Christened Stuart Known variously as Stu-pot Stu Scooby Fat Stu El Porco Before coming here and gaining a lot of new nicknames from our pink friend ;-)
  8. Welcome aboard Mason. Great decision! Believe it or not...rejoice when you put out that last cigarette. You can absolutely do this.
  9. I am not crying. I am NOT. A fly flew into my eye...that's all. Classy Lady. Classy. Love your style and love your quit!
  10. Welcome Aboard! congratulations on a fantastic decision. Read lots and lots - and post too. You can do this - and we will be here to help. :D
  11. Great work Evelyn! And its all you! Well Done. Don't forget to buy yourself a little reward. You are doing great!
  12. El Bandito, Rocket Surgeon, Brain Scientist and Big Burrito here and smoke-free....
  13. Smoking is horrible. Today it is NOPE from me. Will you join me?
  14. There is laughing cow! La Vache qui rit I've got some in the fridge!
  15. Well done Jake - Congratulations!
  16. Great work on 2 months! Congratulations
  17. Congratulations on 7 months! Hope all is well.
  18. Great work Gem! Congratulations!
  19. Late to this party.. Way to go Laura. That's a major trigger kicked firmly in the nuts... Maybe we should all just dance whenever a trigger comes along B) Great work!
  20. Good to hear Evelyn!
  21. Huge congratulations Colleen. Well done for taking control so decisively. You are an inspiration.
  22. I'm in. NOPE from me.
  23. 5 months is great. Congratulations!
  24. Christobal. Many thanks for all of your wisdom. Happy Birthday!
  25. Smoking sucks. Today, I pledge Not one Puff Ever...just for today. Who will join me?

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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