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El Bandito

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Everything posted by El Bandito

  1. HIc..... Hope you are sipping cocktails, chilling out. You will be fine T. No worries. Have a fantastic break!
  2. Way to go Tommy! 8 months is brilliant. congratulations.
  3. Fantastic work Ross. Thanks for everything you do here. Congratulations!
  4. Squeak tactic Sarah! Pop by when you get a sec!
  5. Butterfly restored...all is good in the world. Whoops!
  6. Well done Ava. I'm sure you will have no problem at all. brilliant.
  7. Great stuff Baffled! Well done you. Congratulations!
  8. Nice work! Glad to see you Doreen!
  9. Hey Gabby. Welcome back! Good practice quit. Quitting is a journey not an event. You can absolutely do it. Keep reading, keep posting, and work out why you reach for the ciggie...once you know why, you can remove those reasons. 5 days is a great start! Well done you.
  10. Aha...but originally a Northern lass, before moving to Essex. She loves the book the Chimp Paradox by Steven Peters...
  11. TGIF.. It's a NOPE from me too.. also, no more acronyms for me today FFS.... LOL
  12. Congratulations Sharon! Proper brilliant!
  13. Handsome Sexy Beast Alas married and thus far no indication of a secret desire to fall in love with a fat guy in a skirt.... Lives quite close to me... Action. I'm stalking you.....
  14. She's a Lady. Loves boaty things....
  15. Forever reporting posts...particularly those of that trouble maker MQ.....
  16. Sue... 'Deadly' Originally South Side Dublin, now 'the midlands' ie West of Dublin.
  17. I'm sure there will be a thread...but Way to go Sharon! Fantastic work. Both you and your chimp must be doing somersaults! Congratulations! Brilliant work.
  18. Late as ever.... I hope that you had a fantastic Birthday! Many happy returns!
  19. Today, I am sneaking off for early golf before work... Using some of the energy gifted to me by cutting out the smothering, choking effects of cigarettes. So, today I am going to shout Not One Puff Ever! [and...FORE!] Who will join me?
  20. Welcome back Mason. Keep reading and keep posting!
  21. 3 months! 3 whole months! Absolutely fantastic. You are a classy act Marti. Congratulations!
  22. Great work Rowly! Well done.
  23. RWW! Congratulations. Excellent work.
  24. I quit on vacation. As my cigarettes were running low, and I was reading the AC book, I brought the date forward. I tried to plan it to finish my last cigarette at bedtime. Predictably, I then subconsciously tried to sabotage the plan, by having 10 left as I neared the end of the book and bedtime! So, I sat on the terrace of the room, reading a page, smoking a cigarette. read another page, smoke another cigarette, until I got through the pack. Then I went to bed and woke up a non smoker.
  25. Yep. That happens. But, you decided that you don't smoke any more. So, there will be some cravings, but they become fewer and fewer and less noticeable every day that you do not smoke. Cravings are caused by smoking. Stop smoking and you stop the cravings. Keep on keeping on Rowly. The craving will pass.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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