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El Bandito

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Everything posted by El Bandito

  1. Hmm..Germany, Argentina. Looks like a couple of good teams....
  2. Hmmm. A Liverpool player won. With the exception of football fans, every one else understands that it is not a sport, but a money thing... Trying to find the positives. Ironically, I think England have played better in this tournament than the last 4. Keep with it. It will pay off. Now, enjoy proper footballers!
  3. uh huh...
  4. Playing later.. :D
  5. I once knew a 39 year old Scot who was fat and smoked like a trooper....5 years ago in fact... Still a Scot. Getting less fat Non smoker now. Cholestorols, Blood sugars good...off for brisk walk now!
  6. Great that the problem is fixed. I'm sure she will soon be much better. Bless her.
  7. Qi gong And chips please... I shall go forth and research. Sounds like you love it Doreen!
  8. Today is a beautiful day! not One Puff Ever for me on this beautiful day. Who will join me?
  9. Hey Wiley. Well done for dodging the bullet. As you said, you would never have smoked...so the bullets are getting slower and easier to see I guess. But it's a jungle out there!
  10. Fantastic work Jackie! Well done you. Congratulations.
  11. I buy my own make-up - Porky Boy ;)
  12. 3
  13. Yin
  14. Lists :D
  15. Gin? You're English Man! Courgettes? You are just eating them wrong. I'll get La Bandita to send you over some Pasta with Courgettes, Sicilian style. I didn't get this big by accident ya know!
  16. El Bandito


    Hope all goes well Porky. Love to Mrs B... The science of waiting is as tough as the meaning of life...
  17. Welcome Ali WELL DONE! Great work and thank you for coming along and sharing.
  18. Great work Christa! Well done you. Congratulations!
  19. Hey Gabby! So right! You quit, and everyone else just changes! LOL Think of your addiction as a bad guy in a movie. You are holding the bad guys's head under the water. He is thrashing and kicking. These are the signs that you are killing the addiction. Will it get better? Hell Yes! Trust us. Guests? Well, I smoked for 30 years. I would say that for 30 years I knew it was bad for me...yet despite apparent intelligence, I carried on wilfully killing myself. I would say the guests are folk a little more honest than me, and are at least looking at the idea of quitting.
  20. 17
  21. Oi! Leave my beard out of this! ;-)
  22. Addiction to nicotine is sneaky and vicious. It tries to sneak up on people. So for Jackie and Tracey and super cool quitters everywhere, this morning, I pledge Not One Puff Ever.....just for today. Who will join me?
  23. Well done T. Another trigger put to bed.

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