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El Bandito

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Everything posted by El Bandito

  1. -12
  2. -14
  3. -12
  4. -10
  5. -10
  6. Congratulations!
  7. Logically, given an infinite amount of time even a cat will type a Shakespeare sonnet eventually...
  8. Great work Gabby! Three hard weeks done. Get out there and reward yourself. Well done.
  9. Fantastic work Sue! Nine months is brilliant. Well done you, Congratulations!
  10. That is what I was trying to say...just better put! :-)
  11. So, I quit 5 months ago. Look understand this, I smoked properly. A couple of packs a day, an attitude that says, "live life, be happy". To me, quitting smoking was about admitting that mortality might actually apply to me. I'll be honest. I am a lot more fun than your partner. But you are far better going home with your partner, they are better looking and better partner material than me. I quit, because my beautiful wife said, "what will I do if you die first?" I have responsibilities. Therefore I will quit. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm On account of my massive ego, I now feel obliged. So, I quit. I read the book, the EasyWay. I quit on vacation. I made a simple decision, I will not smoke when I wake up. I didn't. Did I get craves? Yep. But then I always got craves. The cigarette caused a crave. When I read posts saying, this is easy...I was furious! it's not Effing easy I screamed! It isn't. But actually, it kind of is. Do not Smoke. That is it. There are people that post here, that I would fight for. There are one or two that I would die for; After 5 months...you can all do it. This fat bloke in a skirt guarantees it.
  12. What is NOPE? For some, it is a pledge. It helps them focus. For some it is a health indicator. How many posts? To all the folk here with lengthy quits, you know, it really helps me when you pop in and post NOPE. On the other hand, if NOPE is not important, let's not flog a dead horse. So, just forever, NOPE from me
  13. A lot of thinking to do! I am going to make a little post about my 5 months. I think that I forget that sharing may be useless to most, but if it helps one.... Beacon, you rock!
  14. Now, your role is to be there. To be the rock. The safe point. You are all of that, and not just for Nicky I suspect!
  15. El_Bandito is me Colleen - what?
  16. Or Cos not smoking gives you FREEDOM!
  17. Tiff Write more. I only knew J from some of his posts. Share with us, and more importantly with those whom have no idea what we are talking about! I think he would have liked that! How did you know him?
  18. TAC. George, I guess all is well, life is just getting in the way. You need a hand? Let me know.
  19. Hey Marti You know that you are a total dude, right? Just to be open... You Quit. SO then quit too. Mum, long term, scared smoker has also quit... What colour you painting?
  20. Doreen You did that. You made that amazing, beautiful thing. That needs to be out there being everything that she can be! Well done you!
  21. Yes, I know it. I think as part of a blend, it adds complexity and texture. Alone or dominant, not my favourite.
  22. I'll bet my boobs have never looked so good.
  23. Run the legs off him! Very cute by the way.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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