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El Bandito

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Everything posted by El Bandito

  1. Seis
  2. 'S Okay. I have my native charms and sexy legs...
  3. 18
  4. 15
  5. Smokey. Then, when I come to sort out your mid life crisis, you pick me up, speed and when the cop pulls us over you say; 'Sorry, Officer, riding along with Smokey and the Bandit, I lost sight of my speed" we can then spend a few hours in a jail house.....
  6. 8
  7. Susana - it passes. Honest. The monster will pop into your dreams too... You will probably wake up - full of self loathing - knowing that you smoked..then you will realise it was a dream. Just look at the monster and smile. You are not going to smoke. The monster will die.
  8. UNO
  9. I'm almost always lost...nothing to do with cigarettes though...just dopey :blink: For the first couple of weeks - my poor dog got his legs walked off... Now, I wonder where I found the time to smoke.
  10. Drawing close now...nice work Paul's Sister!
  11. 8
  12. TWENTY!
  13. Jacqui - Your crankiness - what a fantastic achievement Well two actually 1. Your quit 2. Your lioness of a daughter Fantastic work!
  14. Hey Jay No big deal. I love my coffee even more - now that I can taste it. I started off saying - "OK - Im going to have a beautiful freshly brewed espresso now - and taste it and savour it properly - like I never could when I smoked" BANG! Trigger gone. Its a process Jay, you just keep your head down and keep going. Beat these triggers one by one and suddenly you wake up and there are none left. You are doing great. Keep going!
  15. Hey Susana 1. Its normal! 2. Well DONE! 3. Don't be afraid of your cravings. You were craving yesterday. You did not smoke. What happened? What happened? Yep, thats right. NOTHING. NOT A DAMN THING. You looked the craving in the eye and beat it. Today - the craving is not so strong. It might feel like it is - but it is not. You have it beat. When the craving comes, smile, recognise it for what it is. It is your little inner junkie trying to fool you. It is not a craving at all really - because you are taking nicotine. The inner junkie is much much tougher than the nicotine addiction. Your method is to beat the powerful enemy (the one in the mind) before taking on the smaller one (the nicotine) There is nothing to be stressed about, or to be scared of. You have won. The cravings will come, you will do nothing and they will go away. When you are ready, stop chewing the gum. When you were a smoker, you quit nicotine every night when you went to sleep - nicotine is no biggy. Keep on keepin' on Susana. You got this. Trust me - brilliant days are just around the corner.
  16. 8
  17. Mid life crisis is the phrase boring people use for interesting people. We lost to the big colony? Surely not. Not in our history books buster.
  18. Waving right back... NOPE!
  19. El Bandito


    The Porkster and the Bandit agree at last. I believe he may be my uncle, brother and grandfather.
  20. Fantastic work! Well done Joe.
  21. Children. I love them. Couldn't eat a whole one though. Marti, can be of absolutely no help at all here. Sorry!
  22. Smarter than the average bear... Welcome!

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