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El Bandito

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Everything posted by El Bandito

  1. Hey Emma - check in of you get a second! Congratulations on 6 months.
  2. Keep going Nat - one hour at a time. It is already getting easier (you might not believe me - but it is!)
  3. Great work Sammie.
  4. Hey Nat. Hi there - a belated welcome. Fantastic work out of you so far! Brilliant. Every day is a victory and you are going to have to trust me - it does get easier. The benefits keep mounting up. You are doing great!
  5. -15
  6. Fantastic work. Congratulations! You are a great addition to the board. Well done.
  7. -6
  8. Hey Jackie...on ya come lass
  9. Hey Susana??
  10. You guys have precious few Public Holidays - so I hope that you all have a beautiful time! Have fun!
  11. Lovely news.
  12. yep - lighting appropriate for the task you intend in the location that you need. If the room is to be multi-functional - then you need multi-functional lighting. Relaxing and dim is great - unless you want to read the paper - in which case it is crap! :D
  13. -10
  14. -10 - go Newbies!
  15. just me teasing.... the post following was supposed to clarify. Keep smiling!
  16. hmmmmm... Interesting subject. I make no claim to having THE answer. I have, seven month quit or no, been craving a smoke this week. Some people are thinking "ahhh...7 months, eh" In my opinion it is nothing to do with 7 months. There is a lot going on in work right now, meaning big huge days, lots of stress etc. In short, triggers, big self-justifying triggers. MQ quotes the reason for his relapse in the past. I know that he and I both know that while his "circumstance" is pretty much as tough as it gets (I mean really - that is a horrific experience) - it has absolutely ZERO to do with relapse. It is a massive excuse - and every single one of us would be tempted to use it - but there is not a one of us who deep down does not know that a smoke does not help. It never has and it never will. Aine, MQ, me, lots of us, will get triggers. Self-justifying triggers. We just won't act on them. If NRT, Chantix, or a bright purple placebo helps - then I am all for it. But - in my opinion, its all in the head, and it is in the head that battle is fought and won.
  17. Cream. Definitely. Then a bit of shabby work around the detail. No desire to offend anyone - but there are no dark rooms. Just badly lit ones. Have a look at some task lighting - thats a nice piece of furniture. Chrys - wow. cool stuff!
  18. Lovely post LB. I see no conflict here at all. "Easy Peasy" never rang true with me in the past. But it does now. 1. It certainly works as an affirmation. "I can do this" 2. It is a statement of fact. the nicotine addiction is EASY to beat. (I say this as a quitter, a lapsed quitter in the past and a long term smoker) - the nicotine is easy, the SMOKING IS hard - because we make it so... I quit smoking. Actually I used to quit smoking every day when I went to bed. quitting being a SMOKER - that was tough...until I realised that I could do it. Easy Peasy
  19. ...that I used to deal with all that stuff by sucking in poisons. :D I have felt like smoking every hour of every day of the last week. High stakes business stuff is a big trigger for me - always has been. Every time I wanted to smoke, I thought of you all - I thought of La Bandita and I thought of how proud I am not to smoke. I thought NOPE. I still don't smoke - and I won't. You all have no idea how much I owe you. Thank you.
  20. Guys - thank you all so much for your posts. I have been off line for a few days - a massive work thing at the moment. 20 hour days, lots of stress, lots of emotion etc. So, the inevitable happened.... :( I'm so sorry.
  21. Yikes! Shocking. Keep cool Comrade - sounds like all is OK now though...
  22. Sounds like a great laugh coming up...

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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