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El Bandito

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Everything posted by El Bandito

  1. Hey Susana. Sorry to hear of your troubles. There is a lot of wisdom above. Read it. What can I offer you? Perhaps one thing, "Stop Looking for a Silver Bullet". There ain't one. Zyban, Chantix, CT, NRT, they all rely on the same thing. Don't put things in your mouth and set fire to them. Read Marti posting about holding on. Read about chemo treatment. Learn from friends here with COPD, with partners whom have COPD. Relax Susana. You are an addict. Me too. Don't put things in your mouth and set fire to them. Ever. It works.
  2. Lovely post Marti.
  3. Brilliant work Ross. Congratulations!
  4. Fantastic work! 6 months done and dusted. Well done you.
  5. Fear not! The Bandit is here! Oh? 6 hours late you say. Ummmm. Right. Uhhh...Sorry. Well done Nat. We have all been where you are, sometimes a tiny little crave can become a full on, full-body, psycho crave and you hang on by your fingernails. It is completely normal and it does not last long. Each time you beat one, you get stronger, and it gets weaker. When one comes, it is important not to allow it to take over, to slow down your heartbeat, relax. Let your rational mind engage with, then dismiss the crave. You may not know it, but you won a huge victory last night. 'Atta girl Nat!
  6. Happy Birthday Marti. While reviewing your year, be ensure to include "Quit Smoking" and "inspired loved ones to quit smoking" and "helped people that I have never met, quit smoking". You are a star Marti. 'Atta Girl!
  7. -8
  8. Congratulations Beth. Great post too.
  9. Hey Nat, good to read you...sounds like great progress. Try shaking up routines a little, can help break associations.
  10. -4
  11. Another big fan of the book. It made a lot of sense to me. Keep on cracking on Nat - I am guessing Day 3 when you read this. Fantastic achievement! Well done. Keep sipping that juice, sipping that water. Remember, ever crave is a sign that you are winning the war. Welcome them. You are doing this Nat - Great work!
  12. Sorry to hear that Nancy. Always heartbreaking.
  13. Fantastic work Drew! Congratulations
  14. Fantastic work - well done!
  15. -15
  16. Nutter. :P
  17. Hey Jen! Great decision - then it went quiet?
  18. Way Way late as ever! 8 months is brilliant DD - Well done you.
  19. That's nice of you to say. Just been 'taking care of business' as they say...hoping to be back on an even keel next week.
  20. Good grief...I take a week off and the Quit Train becomes a :awwwcanwehaveacigarettetrain? I had no idea I had such power! I think Pippa nailed it earlier - CHANGE...seasons, location, work, ---all these I think can trigger feelings of insecurity - and when we smoked, a feeling of insecurity meant cigarette time. That's all it is folks, pure and simple. We none of us smoke. we none of really want a smoke. I have come up with a radical new idea... Let's not smoke. Now - where are the important threads gone...counting etc ;)
  21. Wow Jimmy - Congratulations. Great work.
  22. Great work LB.
  23. Hey Sammie - I posted on your week thread before your welcome thread...ooops! You are doing great! Brilliant work.
  24. Action and the Bandit... we're a double act. Ross and Stu's Saturday Night Takeaway - our new TV show. Your ticker is showing 80 dollars saved! Them is expensive cigarettes!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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