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El Bandito

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Everything posted by El Bandito

  1. -9
  2. ....I might fail. ...i enjoy it. ...we all have to die sometime. Yes. I might fail. So worst case - I am back where I started. Enjoy what? The bad smell? the bad taste? the expense? the certain death? the ill health? - or the illusion that relieving withdrawal pangs is a genuine pleasure? Yes. I will die. I fully intend to die having wrenched every last bit of fun from every last second of life...none of it on an oxygen machine.
  3. -9
  4. 3 months - while upside down. Awesome work. Congratulations!
  5. Congratulations! Great work.
  6. ummmmmm... Lots of things. But honestly? Not Smoking. All of the woes and difficulties of quitting are there - all of them are caused by smoking. Don't smoke. It really is that simple. Nobody EVER died from quitting. Most people reading this, personally know somebody that died from not quitting.
  7. 2 years. Wow. Congratulations Frez!
  8. Hey Slovenka Practice quits are OK. A key thing here is going to be honesty. Let's start with you. Tell yourself the truth. YOU ARE AN ADDICT. So am I. I quit smoking. So can you. But we need to be honest... Smoking kills every person that persists with it. (except those dying of smoking, killed by something else). We quitters choose not to let the addiction kill us. It's that simple.
  9. Holy Quitters Batman! 8 months! Kapow!
  10. Raaaaaaaaaaaah!
  11. Give the little blighters a trash bag each. Then repair to a nearby hostelry. I would suggest a couple of glasses of something white and bracing - before a nice meal with something red and warming. Retire to a nice cosy bed. This will equip you to deal with whingeing of the over-tired blighters in the morning... Porky. Army = Cannon Fodder. Air Force = Tom Cruise -esque pretty boys that cost millions to train to fly planes that cost billions. Shhhhhhhh........
  12. I find it OK. At the start - I had to brace myself - but I kept remembering that every single one of those smokers is looking at me saying "How in hell did he do that? A couple of packs a day to nothing. Overnight. I wish I could quit/Im going to quit next week/month/year/before I'm 40" You are not left out - they are. Literally - they have to leave the room, stand outside (regardless of weather) and feed the addiction. You quit a fierce addiction. You can do anything. Use quitting as a springboard. Careful with the booze of course - but of everyone in the party - YOU have the most reason to celebrate. You gave yourself the gift of life. The ones inhaling poison have reason to be anxious. The most important thing is to enjoy yourself - if you are at a party and stop enjoying yourself, then leave. Rejoice!
  13. Hey Porky..nope. Smaller than photo now.
  14. El Bandito

    Where is

    Since James the VI of Scotland became James the II of England - we Scots have dominated political life in the Union. I see no reason to let the English out from under my boot now... Long live the Union!
  15. El Bandito

    Where is

    Awww Pa You say the sweetest things... Can Mom come too?
  16. El Bandito

    Where is

    Hey we are all modern here... How is the Banjo coming along?
  17. El Bandito

    Where is

    Need to be one hell of a big couch!
  18. El Bandito

    Where is

    Oh Pippa....always the last to know aren't you? Tracey, Rez and I are siblings. We are Bakon and Nancy's Love-Children.
  19. El Bandito

    Where is

    A wise man once said... Sometimes it is better to risk looking like an idiot by saying nothing, than to prove it beyond any doubt by speaking.... Wiley! Responded to your PM. Busy Bandit. Planning a new chapter. I sold my business and have another month or so of admin to sort out before taking a vacation somewhere and then working out what the heck to do with myself...
  20. Hey Susana. Delighted to see you back on the train.
  21. A large man in a skirt... Hence Queen of Scotland.. Posted a stupid question, to which Porky responded "Rocket Scientist or Brain Surgeon?" Hence Rocket Surgeon Photo was on wedding day in 06. A blazing hot day in London..I suspect the smile was caused by Evian cooling spray. Those kilts are not designed fot hot days..."Betty swollocks" syndrome..
  22. Life is too short for cheap wine.
  23. Great work Jackie! Well done you.
  24. El Bandito


    Here Porky - more lurking than posting - but keeping an eye on you B)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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