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El Bandito

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Everything posted by El Bandito

  1. Nice work Laura. When the craves come - I used to smile and talk to them. "Pull up a chair" I would say. "Let's talk about why you are here" (Obviously the rest of the world thought I was a nutter) - but learning to see the crave as a part of the healing process, not something to fear - made a huge difference for me.
  2. When the going gets tough - the tough get shopping 'Atta Girl! Have fun.
  3. Hi Laura You are having the battles aren't you? That's because you were addicted to smoking - and you are beating the addiction. The addiction is kicking and screaming, trying every trick in the book to get you to smoke. I know its tough, but welcome these feelings. Examine them. Turn them around in your mind - see them for what they are - the desperate attempts by your addiction to get you to smoke. You are doing great Laura. Pat yourself on the back. Sip some water. Laugh out loud. Scream. Do what you like - but don't smoke. If you don't smoke the craving WILL GO AWAY. I promise. Hold tight Laura - its brilliant on the other side of these cravings.
  4. NOPE
  5. -10
  6. Hey Evelyn - yep, a little disturbed sleep is completely normal. You are doing great. It settles down soon enough.
  7. Rough day Laura. Sorry. Imagine how much worse it would be with a lungful of stinking poisonous chemicals. Nice deep breaths, quiet yourself. You are making a massive, life changing adjustment to your life. WELL DONE. You will still have crap days - but many more good days. Stick with it Laura, you can absolutely do this.
  8. Hey Jay! You still onboard? Good to see you back. You can do this - but you need to keep posting - 'making it real'
  9. Good victory last night. Keep chilled. Your addiction will spark off a bit of anger is it thinks it will help it get a fix.. Just ignore it like you did. Your quit. Your choice. Good work.
  10. ummmm.... NOPE from me
  11. Ah....breakfast!
  12. Keep being tough and obstinate Evelyn - you are doing great. Keep on keeping on.
  13. 8 months! Fantastic work. Congratulations.
  14. Great work Porky. Thanks for being here.
  15. Welcome Ex Smoker! NOPE
  16. -13 Morning All
  17. Howdy... NOPE
  18. Fantastic work IAMDI!
  19. Hey Kendranz Welcome Aboard! Congratulations on getting to Day 7 - First week is the toughest and you are all but through it. Great work! The answer to your question is that it gets easier and easier. It sounds like you are stressing yourself out. Chill! You have done it. Sure you will get the odd craving. Ignore it. What happens? It just goes away. No drama, no worries. I know it is tough to do - but trust me. Every day it gets a little bit easier. You are doing great!
  20. -7.........
  21. -7
  22. Great work Slovenka!
  23. -7
  24. Well done Giopetro! Good work.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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