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El Bandito

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Everything posted by El Bandito

  1. El Bandito

    I spy

  2. Hey JC Was a tough one for me too. Changed up my mornings. Inserted a glass of water before my coffee. Then an espresso and the QT. Coffee tastes so much better now!
  3. -8
  4. -10
  5. See your point Sarge. I am planning on applying common sense in the kitchen rather than too much science...lots of veggies, fish and lean meat. Try to reduce sugar and processed food and booze. Going to do some running too. Initially indoors while the winter is here. Going to mix in some cycling and rowing for variety and to reduce impact on knees. As ever, the first 10 pounds will be easy peasy...after that it will get tougher. 54 pounds is brilliant. Well done. How is the injury?
  6. I'm a white twinkler. The present Lady Bandit is a white regular. A silent switching war goes on.
  7. To borrow from a signature All you need is Faith and Trust. Nat. You have had a rough time. You are feeling a bit under it. I think that we all understand that. You think now is not the right time...God knows I thought that - for more than half of the 30 years that I smoked. It is always the right time Nat. All you need is Faith and Trust. Put out the last cigarette. Come be free.
  8. zero
  9. Your words Gio...your words... Maybe thats where this place could help? Exploring what that 1 in 1,000 is all about?
  10. Not by much Joolz - 220k in December is good work! And I have seen the Gingerbread production line....yum yum.... My golf days are always 20k + which speeds things along!
  11. All calories on a cruise - DO NOT COUNT. The Bandit has spoken.
  12. zero
  13. -15
  14. El Bandito

    I spy

  15. Yep! 100% agreed that you are way better off than you were in August - and good work to get there! Well done. The question I was asking - was whether you felt you were happily 'over' smoking or still fighting it every day and 'denying' yourself? You are the boss of your quit - and if just cracking on is what works for you - then I say Go for it!
  16. -14
  17. Nope - you sent me a message! Now I have sent you a friend request :D
  18. -16
  19. -1
  20. What's your name on MFP? I am El_Bandito Underscore in the middle maybe the problem?
  21. Yep - it can be a trigger. Depends on the person I guess. My wife prefers just to get on with life. I find that thinking about smoking, trying to support others helps me cement my quit. Very individual I guess. It sounds a bit like you are 'abstaining' GioP - which might be perfect, but also makes me think that there is a part of you that 'enjoys' smoking still.
  22. You are decidedly a funny lot you Colonials... now - I'm off to do something sensible, like polish my Sporran
  23. El Bandito

    I spy

  24. If only I had that much energy! Fantastic work Jenny! Brilliant.
  25. -1

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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