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Everything posted by laura

  1. Feeling more possitive, i was so close to caving this morning but just kept saying nope nope nope out loud. Sorted stuff for bootsale so all good. Been for a run then ate a pizza to myself lol now chilling with my princess. Hope you guys have had a good day xx Oh i joined the gym
  2. Thanks markus and evelyn, Im not sure why im finding it so hard, im worried about being off work next week which is silly i need to just focus on today but i keep thinking u may aswell smoke as you wont get through next week being at home. I think my head may explode
  3. NOPE
  4. Thanks markus - i have to admit i have found it hard tonight and am really debating in my head such as you have chose the wrong time,you have a week off work next week how will u cope ect ect, i have tried to stay busy this evening and now i will head to bed and hopefully be in a better frame of mind tomorrow. My main cause for relapse is always the debating i have with myself. Its so frustrating, how can some people find it easy to quit yet others struggle so badly
  5. Sweet dreams , thanks for today, has been a huge help. Speak tomorrow
  6. Picking my daughter up then getting up in my loft to sort stuff out for a bootsale then do dinner then power walk then bed phew i am going to be tired
  7. I will have a look
  8. I find being at home a huge temptation so i am going power walking every evening, i will continue on the quit train always post everyday. What is non smoking cats? X
  9. Thankyou pippa i am very grateful for the support from all of you x I will do a new sos as soon as i have a laptop maybe the weekend as trying to do anything on my phone is a bit of a nightmare lol
  10. I think i done one befor i relapsed last time x
  11. Im ok thanks marti, when i got up i was quite spaced out but im ok feeling possitive
  12. Massive congrates on 2 years its you guys that make the difference to other people hust starting out. Well done
  13. Morning guys NOPE
  14. Well day one over im off to bed, feel ok other than more irritable than usual.
  15. I am hoping this is it i cant go through this anymore i can feel smoking is killing me now so i am ready to get healthy, i am going power walking later im not going to diet straight away as i think it will just be to much.☺
  16. Markus this is a beautiful succsess story about your father. I have been offered a job at our local hospital and refuse to go there being a smoker,the ward i have been given is for people suffering from tumors. I want to be able to try and help these people without thinking about smoking.
  17. Runfree im doing ok at the moment, no big urges but i am at work so i cant smoke anyway.
  18. Morning guys NOPE
  19. Ok day 1 guys feeling ok at the moment. Thankyou all so much for yr support im staying close this time and not leaving x
  20. Ok bakon sounds like a plan
  21. Thanks guys im so desperate for help, i have read allen carrs easyway so many times i also have it on audble and been to the clinic 3 times it just didnt work for me. I need to jump back on the train and stay on it, marti has been so supportive to me i always tend to private message her and she always says the right thing. You are all great. I have to do this now
  22. So i thought i could do this quit smoking lark on my own, i dont really know whats going on anymore i go to bed each night and say to my self thats it no more, this is not working. I know for some its a matter of just dont smoke and i could actually scream at myself. This is no joke i have been quitting smoking for likeyears now but i cant even go a day anymore im so depressed because of it. What is wrong with me. I get laughed at now by my friends and family when i say im quitting smoking because they know i wont. I desperatly want to i feel doomed
  23. Morning guys NOPE Congrates 100 CPK
  24. Morning im back on the train and its a nope from me

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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