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About millie

  • Birthday August 9

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    Sunshine Coast Australia
  • Quit Date

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. 4 :D
  2. Great job Betsy on 11 months smoke free. Millie x
  3. I pretty much liked everything about smoking. I liked the taste and the smell. I still don't mind sitting near those who smoke, although the stale smell after they are put out that lingers is terrible. I liked the time out, going off to have a cigarette as I felt like I had switch the day off for just a little while. I don't take proper breaks at work now or when I am working at home in the evening. I liked it with a glass of wine or two. Looking at the above You are probably thinking why did she quit then? I quit because I didn't want to be coughing and spluttering and gasping for breath when I am older. I quit because I didn't want any more smoking wrinkles. I didn't want to be a pariah any more hanging around outside bars and restaurants. I didn't want to break a promise I made to my son. I quit because I was the biggest smoker of all my friends and family. None of them ever believed that it would be me who would quit or even have a sticky quit. Now they are all making their excuses and saying they will cut down to less than 5 day then stop. I tell them there is only one way. NOPE. Millie x
  4. millie

    Day 5

    Glad to see you have another day clocked up in your quit. New shoes. Great idea, can never have too many. :D Millie x
  5. Happy Easter everyone. We waited until 7 pm to cook our Easter Roast because it is still way too hot here. The aroma is driving me crazy. Excited B) :wub: :D Millie x
  6. 15
  7. Nope for me as well Millie x
  8. Evelyn I have not seen your previous posts so I am sorry if I say something wrong. I just wanted to say that it sounds like you have made your decision, and quitting is just that: a great decision you made that you stuck with. Day 1 is done and it is still a great decision. Onwards We are all here to help and support if you need. Millie x
  9. Thanks Jonny and Sarge for the welcome. :D You guys have been busy. B) I have also been a little busy, my world got turned upside down last year, literally - I moved to Australia. :P In the last year I have moved jobs twice and house 3 times. It has been hectic. We are still trying to settle and are much more isolated and remote than we wanted to be - nowhere near our Oz family. :( My son is keen to go back to UK. At the moment I would be happy to return but we will see if things improve this year. great to see so many still rocking their quits Millie x
  10. Well done on 3 months Jackie. A great quit mile stone Millie x
  11. I remember when you first quit Jonny and you were so enthusiastic and determined. I had been starting to lose momentum with my quit resolve and your initial posts reminded me why I should continue to stick with it. Now look at how far you have come. Amazing. and thanks for bringing the quit cavalry for many of us Millie x
  12. Several for me One of my main motivations for giving up smoking was that I had spotted the start of smoking wrinkles on my face. That was the clincher for me. I didn't want any more. Within weeks of stopping my face started to lose that pale greyish colour and the skin looked much fresher and pinker. Other things: Much better circulation in my fingers and toes. No more rotten sinus infections. No more embarrassing coughing fits whilst laughing at something funny. Much healthier gums. No more smelly clothes or car. My car is 12 months old and someone got in it the other day and said. Wow I love that new car smell :) Millie x
  13. Nice to see you again Beth, and all the others as well :) Millie x
  14. Thanks for the welcome Sue was given some great help and support by many of the forum members here along the way. Time for me to pass it on. :) Millie x
  15. Great job on 5 weeks quit Marti. well done :D Millie x

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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