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Everything posted by Tink

  1. Congratulations for a 8 months is fantastic hope you spoil yourself x
  2. yay im back in the land of the employed :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Colleen


      Congrats Trace!

    3. Tink


      Thanks it's my old job they want me back its only for a few weeks though whilst I'm in UK :)

    4. action


      That's nice, Trace :)

  3. Congratulations chicken miss you xx
  4. Tink

    Whats an egg?

  5. 1 don't start smoking 2 when a smart talking army boy chats you up walk away - horrible ex 3 take life a little bit more seriously Naaaah no 3 ain't gonna happen so.... Be nicer to your sisters when growing up!
  6. Hi Geri welcome :) Read and post for education and support, great team here with you every step of the way Congratulations on your quit
  7. Noping with evelyn hang on hun xx
  8. Well done Nat you are doing fabulous x
  9. Tink

    Sheer hell

    Welcome to the train Rosie congratulations on your quit, it can take a while to readjust as you have to learn to do everything without a smoke, but it does get better even if you have to white knuckle it remember you quit you did not give up ANYTHING it was not your friend it was your enemy but the addiction tricks you to thinking it was a friend Please read the quit smoking discussions and watch the videos, education and support with help you to an easier road x
  10. That is so sad :(
  11. Awww so glad he is back xx
  12. Nope and up to my neck bleaching and scrubbing nicotine stained rooms :(
  13. Way to go jess 3 weeks is amazing :)
  14. Happy birthday DD have a fab day hun xx
  15. Congratulations Ron you are rocking this have a great day xx
  16. Yay DD sorry can't post pictures You are kicking it him you sweet zombie killing princess you Congratulations and have a great day xx
  17. Yep all normal should be better in a couple of weeks but any juicy ones you have to share it's a rule I think I read that somewhere there is a confession thread for just that,scary ones talk to DD :)
  18. Sweet macaroni that looks Grosse I would not have been able to watch anyone eat that lol I would shut my eyes the pud looks good though but who think doughnuts instead of burger buns who thinks of these things yuk but I'm sure you enjoyed it going down Ross lol The last thing I ate but shouldn't have was steak and lobster smothered in butter, battered onions and sauce, crab stuffed mushrooms, bread and butter and a side of sweet potato with butter and brown sugar? I told them to hold the cinnamon washed down with wine It was rez and I last supper and it tasted gorgeous but the sugAr on the sweet potato was too much :)
  19. If a man says he doesn't know where to look you pretty much know where he is looking :) If people do not like what you wear tough toe jam x
  20. Oh my i just cannot remember i think i have had too many lol
  21. Me too congratulations :)
  22. love it can i borrow it lol
  23. Every single person here is an inspiration to me and have helped me wether they know it or not from the newbie who joined yesterday to cher who has 6 years Your stories, your struggles and successes, your quirkiness has all helped For varying reasons i thank you all my list would be too long to type
  24. Misfits

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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