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Everything posted by Tink

  1. Tink

    chicks or sticks

    ouch 0 sarah had undies
  2. Tink

    chicks or sticks

    10 good :)
  3. Tink

    chicks or sticks

    I'm presuming that's for bankon sonic lol 11
  4. Tink

    chicks or sticks

  5. Tink

    chicks or sticks

  6. Tink

    chicks or sticks

  7. Zesty sorbets
  8. Tink

    ***New Game*** TPBM

    True I think I am Popeye reincarnated :)
  9. Tink

    chicks or sticks

  10. Tink

    Linked Words Game

    Yellow bus
  11. Trees
  12. Tink

    ***New Game*** TPBM

    False it was only a few hours ;) TPBM has eaten frogs legs or would eat them
  13. Tink

    Wendy's Monkey

    It is a darn cute monkey!
  14. Fear has a lot to answer for, before I quit it's the one thing that stopped me from jumping on a quit sooner, fear that i just won't be able to do it, the reason more people are not quit is not because they can't it's because they won't, fear is holding them back Don't be afraid nothing to fear but fear itself
  15. Trucks
  16. Tink

    chicks or sticks

    3 Hi sonic :)
  17. ok if it shows i visited your page i am not stalking its fat fingers on kindle keyboard and it keeps going to profiles and not topics i am getting paranoid about it as it keeps doing it lol

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. Colleen


      He has no case...I haven't seen his case...Has anyone seen Wiley/Bat Cat's case?

    3. Sonic
    4. Sonic


      Did you visit my page 67 times today lol

  18. Tink

    chicks or sticks

  19. Tink

    Linked Words Game

    Over take
  20. Umbrella when it's raining
  21. I will be joining you when I reach the other side :)
  22. Tink

    ***New Game*** TPBM

    False don't like beers unless that's all there is to drink then I quite like them :) TPBM can ice skate
  23. Wait a minute does that mean we broke out of the zoo, well that explains alot ;)
  24. Evelyn congratulations on 2 months, that's awesome, you are an inspiration in your own right showing others it can be done, way to go girl xx
  25. Congratulations mg, walking helped me too you are doing fabulous even if you feel you haven't got it yet, you will xx

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