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Everything posted by Tink

  1. Tink


    Ps start a thread in the basement then we can really say what we think of him ;)
  2. Tink


    Ahhh I see sorry well he is a double duche bag!! Bobby is lucky to have you hun xx
  3. Tink


    Ata girl gabby, your father in law sounds a real duche bag, the way is for your hubby to do well in his exams and for you to quit, the pair of you will have so much pride and confidence some people even parents are afraid of change and can get jealous. It not how it's supposed to be but it is what it is, my mum puts me down at every opportunity, took me years to figure it out. A such a is a duche but you are a beautiful non smoker, with guts, take deep breaths find your gusto and say to yourself right I got this! You mf :) Xx
  4. Tink


    Gabby gabby gabby!!! Talk us through your situation hun, are you stressed, tired, socialising, drinking, just romancing??? Please post and work it out, if too personal PM me or anyone I have been where you are right now, it sucks butt for sure but you can and will get through it Vent,scream, kick something or someone ;) Come on gabby hold on to that beautiful 5+ months xx
  5. Congratulations 10 months is fantastic, hope you are going from strength to strength after your scare, this anniversary is probably more poignant than most, glad you pulled through cs hugs to you and aine x
  6. Oops :)
  7. I think it must have been at a wine party, I cannot remember but wondered why I woke up with a different shade of lipstick oh dear!
  8. Welcome to the train and your freedom, read and educate yourself with your new accepting brain, post the members here will support you
  9. Yay Wendy well done hun, congratulations x
  10. Yay 1 month done and dusted, congratulations :)
  11. Tink

    SAD Winterblues

    It's not about being ungrateful or being bar humbug, it's hormonal inbalance if I could find it in some soup I would buy a ferking cauldron of it and give it away myself! In my humble opinion
  12. where iz colleens picture and signature i have never seen her so naked has she ran off to the circus without us? hope you Rare ok chuck x

  13. Tink

    SAD Winterblues

    Yes th lamp works my trouble is I cannot sit still lon g enough but I used to use it in the kitchen whilst cooking, but if you work at a desk it's perfect, I take st John's wart for not and energy levels they are good I also try and get outside as much as possible whatever the wether it blows out the cobwebs. The lamp I have is big and can be hinge on the wall so you could use it as the only light but I am sure nowadays there at modern and practical ones I have had mine for years and the bulbs are still going, I also have a salt lamp.
  14. Tink

    chicks or sticks

    13 morning action :)
  15. Good work nope
  16. Tink

    chicks or sticks

    13Sun is trying to shine so looks hopeful
  17. Tink

    chicks or sticks

    12 good morning :) Bit breezy on the breeches ey stu? Brrr
  18. Tink

    Snow Shoes

    Are they still those things that look like two tennis rackets strapped to your feet?
  19. Lol hello Rowland good to see you :)
  20. Well Joe the qt ship is in the docks, the ref carpet is out and awaiting your arrival, champagne chilling in the bucket :)
  21. Yay :)
  22. mighty joe 1 year quit yahoo xx

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sazerac
    3. joe


      thanks Tracey ..your up next..

    4. Nancy


      So happy for both of you

  23. Mighty Joe congratulations hun, so glad to still be behind you Joe, you are a true gent and you held onto your quit through some difficult situations I am so proud to share your journey and we hope to meet you in the spring when the snow melts :) I hope indeed you do celebrate and remember to warm our seats up Solid bloke/solid quit paying it forward Thank you for your support over the year it really has been priceless xxxx
  24. Tink


    Me too Jackie, I am delaying mine though but love it all except tinsel, cannot stand the stuff lol Bring/bling it on!
  25. Hi Bob and welcome, glad you came back that's the hardest part, the rest we will support you with Keep reading and posting, education and support is key

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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