In the beginning I avoided them like the plague as much as I could, not that I hated them, more I was in the abstaining mode and I did not trust myself! :dash2:
Then it was disgust at them or even (envy) and if I had to walk past a smoker mainly puffing away to an entrance! I would walk past holding my breath and nose and making myself look silly! go home shower and change clothes, paranoid smoke and nicotine was stuck all over me! :bad:
Then I was fascinated by them (I was educated on nicotine addiction by then) so I just watched them from a distance and watched the truth unfolding right in front of me! confirming what I had learned. :ph34r:
Then I felt pity for them and wished they could be free and this is what I feel to date. :(
I have been through many of these cycles on my journey from envy to disgust to pity
and now I am grateful, that I am just a bystander....
stick to NOPE remember why you quit, what your journey has been like and bring your mindset back to pity for them or disgust, its nothing personal to them , they don`t have to know what you are feeling or thinking BUT it is crucial to YOU and your quit and it is very PERSONAL to you.
I bet if you had a conversation with any of them, most would change places with you in a heart beat! (the ones not in complete denial of course)
so flip the coin and the question should be - what do smokers think when they see an ex smoker?
answer- Envy of you and amazement :o
hold your head up, back straight as this is the road we walk now! B)