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Everything posted by Tink

  1. Juan they have to smoke because they keep feeding their addiction so the cycle is always at peak they (not you) also want to smoke you dont do either you quit - you are breaking the cycle and you do not want to smoke - you are different to them! day 2 juan - keep going and do what ever it takes but stick to NOPE here is your (((hug))) you can do this juan you need to want quit more than you want to light up
  2. you did awesome Bug welcome back xxxxx
  3. i have heard of the fruit "poor mans banana" but not that it was a paw paw - you learn something new everyday
  4. oh i didnt see the HINT ..... duh
  5. smoking kills
  6. i blimming knew it pmsl
  7. wiley is yours even smoking related knowing you it could be related to my uncles sock or something :P
  8. im really not sure julie, sgt could maybe answer that i thought it was the same fruit though
  9. you are gonna do it and tomorrow you are i am doing it keep posting and we will support you :)
  10. ah the fruit of the angels we call them papaya
  11. hell week done and dusted fantastic so happy for you :)
  12. fantastic amberdawn :)
  13. try this to start with lace x
  14. do not change a thing julie its the best laugh i have had all day bless ya :lol:
  15. welcome rob i read julies post wrong :P
  16. no rowly we wont do that here, thats why we are here to concentrate on people and their quit you say you have been battling could you explain more to us please you are very welcome to this board :)
  17. Lets hear it for them guys and gals this is time consuming stuff posting our celebration threads and they deserve our thanks: Winter Spring Summer or Fall - woot whatever the season you belong to you are doing just fabulous and for posting our celebrations we just want to say a huge
  18. I saw the title of this thread and was going to boycott it as i am not tech smart in the slightest but as its you lace i will give it a go and tell you what i do, here goes this will be interesting and i will probably end up confusing you more as well as myself: 1. type what you want to find in say "google" - ie picture of happy bunnies 2. loads of links will come up and you click on the one you want to look at ie something like this https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=pictures+of+happy+bunnies&rlz=1C1KMZB_enGB558GB559&espv=210&es_sm=93&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=GQlEU46pMaKv7Ab16oHAAQ&ved=0CEUQsAQ 3. find the picture you like 4. right click and choose "copy" 5 .go to thread where you want to put picture 6 right click 7. paste have a practise at that and then come back if it doesnt work and i will explain next step :)
  19. well done doreen its a whoop it up moment :D
  20. Tracey 22ND November 2013 - thanks action :)
  21. wow fantastic news yay xxxx its a
  22. beautiful soul by name and by nature I said it before and im saying it again xxxxx
  23. and welcome to baby :)
  24. wow soul just wow its going to be amazing :) xxx

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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