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Everything posted by Tink

  1. pm me if you need to juan xx
  2. awww - thanks doreen thats so great to hear way to go soozie - we are all thinking of you xxxx
  3. dang it TAC i have to go raid the cupboard now LOL
  4. I quit for me as I didn`t want it to be who I was I quit as I think I have dodged a bullet for so long and don`t want to play Russian Roulette with my life anymore I saw my dad die just 6 years older than I am now with lung cancer I am seeing my mum so disabled from smoking related diseases - I do not want that for me I love my loved ones around me and want to be seen to fight for my freedom (that ones for you jess)
  5. Tink

    chicks or sticks

  6. cracking me up in the UK :lol: :D
  7. Oh Crap thanks for your honestly Juan - I hope you are ok come back ASAP xx
  8. lmao :lol:
  9. poor stu xx
  10. ok I will stop now Stu lol :P
  11. or this....
  12. Oh my hope this helps :P http://media1.giphy.com/media/1oYaVZvSaNGw0/giphy.gif
  13. jenny is one
  14. me, my sisters and my dad - I am the one in the orange jacket lol (dont say a thing) check out my dads lamb chops(side burns) as he used to call them :lol:
  15. This made me cry for many reasons today Mrs sarge - bring your ship in xx
  16. wow Becks it had just hit me Today would have been my dads birthday and look how much your dad loved him (check my Facebook page) its like this is meant to be :wub:
  17. ps what goes on in the train - stays in the train just saying LOL Choo Choo calling both Becky`s might be a change to talk about the sarges nut instead of his sausage - just saying ;) becky`s you will soon see we can have fun with our quits - it helps through the tough times if you get any xxxx
  18. My cousin is quitting in the morning I have sent her this link and suggested she join - she has had a peek and may join tonight Becky - no need to be nervous jump right in sweet heart you are most welcome here - these are great people - but some are nuts ;)
  19. oh gawd its grossing me out just thinking about it - but picking up or using old butts opening them up and rolling them in a cig paper to make a whole new cig I look at that now and think - YOU DID WHAT???
  20. This is the one thing/one statement that helped me at week 6 to make things easier on myself and I am not sure if I thanked you for that what seems like yonks ago it was my light bulb moment and I have quoted it many times - thanks jonny 5 x
  21. Tink

    chicks or sticks

    - 13 Tracey :)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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