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Everything posted by Tink

  1. many a stomping walk has been stomped :girl_crazy:
  2. Tink

    Where is?????

    The eggs were getting scrambled :)
  3. Awesome job! You are doing this Congratulations be proud of yourself :)
  4. Congratulations on your 1 month, what an awesome Achievement! You have to take "want" off the table and and Out of your head, or it starts a mad battle and craves Even if this is what you think or feel "fake it til you make it" tell yourself the complete opposite, remember the first few days, you don't "want" to go back there! Keep rocking that quit, you can do it :)
  5. Vent, reach out hun that's what this board is all about, wether you are a day quit or ten years reach out xx
  6. Tink

    Where is?????

  7. It's so sad, my aunt came to visit she had quit for 4 years then relapsed, she's been smoking even more now and has done for 2 years! I watched her and my mother puff and cough away Most of the time I couldn't be in the same room I made excuses all the time to be somewhere else! I didn't want her to feel anymore bad about herself then she already did she hasn't got her head around quitting again but I so wanted to give her a good slap across the chops but knew this wouldn't help :( This last two years she has looked awful :( The stressor she had came and went, but now She is left damaging herself more, so sad! Don't take another puff, not one puff ever NOPE NOPE NOPE From the newbies to the old partes we must never gamble, 1) it would taste like poop and 2) we could fall off the wagon and never get back up Rubbish odds to me For those who have relapsed and got back on well done, let's make this your sticky quit
  8. How are you doing tracy?
  9. New identity, New beginnings Don't look back, you're not going that way Welcome back x
  10. Not one puff ever NOPE
  11. Welcome indigo, one step at at at a time Believe in yourself you've got this :)
  12. Congratulations stu awesome job :)
  13. Congratulations 1 year is a huge milestone, best wishes x
  14. Hi Tracy, great name :) Vent, breath, drink, eat your way through the next few days it's actually quite liberating being able to blow off steam with a great excuse, where otherwise we might be diplomatic ;) Read and post we will support you, sounds like hubby will be supportive which is great, just buy him a helmet and a bag of patience ;) Congratulations on quitting smoking, it's the smartest thing to do for you and your loved ones! Welcome to the train x
  15. Nope
  16. Happy birthday hun x
  17. Good read and over 11 years is inspirational!
  18. Excellent Timothy thanks :)
  19. Hi Laura great to see you back :) Yes smoking for 6 months out of fear of relapse seems a whole waste of 6 months to me, but you see that Stick close hun, don't disappear, reach out, post, just remember we have all been in your shoes Congratulations on week one done and dusted x
  20. Looks good congratulations on your 11 years :) Could you add this forum to your site? Online support is helpful to so many as we can all testify Best wishes
  21. Way to go Nat xx
  22. I think the person above me TPAM is confused with TPBM game :) x
  23. A simple twist on the English language ;) Why are my feet always cold?

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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