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Everything posted by Tink

  1. Tink

    Silly Jokes

    this was a big joke today someone tried to serve me this as hot dog and side salad, I told them I wouldnt feed it to a dog LOL https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t1.0-9/10519510_10203556289179417_6247397805636167875_n.jpg ps i wish I was joking about this, but this did happen tonight grrr
  2. Tink

    Silly Jokes

    what did the cobbler say to the cat that wondered into his shop? shoe?
  3. Tink

    Silly Jokes

    why do milking stools only have three legs? because the cow has the udder!
  4. Tink

    Silly Jokes

    what do you call a dinosaur with no eyes? doyouthinkhesawraus!
  5. Tink

    Silly Jokes

    I love silly jokes the sillier the better they have me rolling on the floor in laughter no matter what and colleen is dying to share her stick joke ;) lets get laughing :D :lol: :laugh2: :laugh1: :lol2: or not LOL one of my favourites: what do you call a donkey with 1 leg? wonkey! what do you call a donkey with 1 leg and 1 eye? winkey wonkey!
  6. awww nancy how horrid those are worse when they seem so real but you sweetie are on the top steps just about to step on the lido deck :) xxx
  7. Going to try theses but not wileys sorry but trying to loose weight lol xx
  8. Tink

    chicks or sticks

  9. I totally get where you are Marti but when the blood cools down you will have your hands on the handlebars again vent vent vent it takes the sting out the moment xx
  10. Colleen you are looking fab well done your hard work has paid off I can't believe the transformation you must be thrilled :)
  11. Tink

    chicks or sticks

  12. Does anyone have any good smoothies recipes? I have some e book recipes but quite frankly most of then sound disgusting I have experimented with my own creations but some have been disastrous and look and taste like swamp water lol This morning's one wasn't too bad water melon, Orange, peach and kale If you have any tasty recipes I would appreciate the share :)
  13. Tink

    chicks or sticks

    1 brought two pairs bargain even better his and her flip flops looks great might need to shave my toes though
  14. Tink

    chicks or sticks

    0 Stu I bet you lifted the kilt and it tried to commit suicide thinking it was a grass snake ;)
  15. I am glad he is alive so he can be held accountable unlike Jimmy saville who got away with it and left all the back lash to his poor family These people used to be my childhood heros Sickos!!!!
  16. Scott whether you knew it or not you being around in my early days helped a lot thank you I am so pleased how things have turned around for you Great post and a true inspiration Make sure you drop in for your celebrations :) Jeez 80 to 100 miles a week on a bicycle really??? My car doesn't even do that mileage and if I did that on a bike I would need a butt transplant! Good for you x
  17. Fantastic, congratulations sue you did awesome chick xx
  18. Fantastic henna you are rocking it girl xx
  19. Congratulations half a year Yahoo Thanks for all you do for the celebrations Great to have you around hun x
  20. Awesome Ron that's half a ruddy year mate :) Now speed your butt back here Congratulations suchagreatguy x
  21. Holy mackerel that's disgusting, funny how before we would not take any notice of such things Now if anyone romances they have to get a spoon and tuck into that bucket as that's pretty much what we used to put inside our bodies no difference except the outfit/casing And here I was disgusted I had a McDonald's today As they say romance is dead
  22. Tink


    Rowland where are you? Please check in if you can :)
  23. This was very kind of you I feel and I am sure in honour of JWG memory will not cause an issue I would hope not anyways Thank you Aaron
  24. Tink

    chicks or sticks

    -10 maybe he is really called /Brenda???

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