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Everything posted by Tink

  1. scotch eggs: hard boiled egg surrounded by sausage meat covered in bread crumbs fried these I made '/; https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/t1.0-9/27763_1340168195850_2728061_n.jpg
  2. Its the Royal Air Force too hence RAF :) - because top royals get to join a service and have lots of shiny new medals for parades, which they didnt earn! prince wiliam and harry are the exception Price charles wears his airborne wings - which means he jumped out a plane - but he never has done the night drop as its too dangerous for a future king (this gripes me) yep if witt was poop we would be constipated :)
  3. Tink


    i bet he is hiding in my wardrobe waiting to sneak into my case :ph34r:
  4. Tink

    chicks or sticks

  5. Bull crap is a good answer to that an I can speak it in four languages le bull crap being one of them ;)
  6. Mossies yuk nasty little blood sucking bleeders I feel your pain TIFF :( Yay good for you for running Get a man - even if just to donate blood :)
  7. Tink

    chicks or sticks

  8. Hint - Joe I know all about football British soccer and American football when I say know I mean I know it exists but refuse to spend anytime on it lol saying that I want to go to at least one live game to experience it, so choose wisely Rez as that probably will be the one and only time lol But I like all the drama and hype so we will see ;)
  9. I am going to find this thread very useful :) thanks Paul x
  10. Oh no you don't jenny I agree with colleen and I cannot lower the standards lol
  11. Yep love ketchup but only have heinz do you guys get heinz?
  12. Tink

    chicks or sticks

  13. Tink

    chicks or sticks

    -12 The sticks have . Run off with sticks between their legs lol But hope Joe is safe :)
  14. What is football?????
  15. Every time my mum coughs, she's like oh it's the weather, oh your perfume is strong, oh it's dusty - NO mother it's the 30 ,roll ups you smoke!!! :( wish she would see the truth
  16. Tink

    chicks or sticks

  17. Tink

    chicks or sticks

  18. Tink

    chicks or sticks

    -4 Boy someone really was stuck in today lol :P
  19. Yep Tom, that's exactly how it's done one step at a time hour by hour and come here for support Yahoos for you and today's quit :)
  20. They did not say this in the brochure!!!! Heat wave in UK, tracey moves to Ohio mmm storms, hurricanes and tornados, yep smart tool in the box I am lol Rez!!!
  21. Yeah that's the video I saw lmao oops :)
  22. I saw a video on wallmart OMG lol anywhere but there but I think it's our nearest store :(
  23. The woman is always right and yes dear is a preferred answer ;)
  24. The is safe here I don't like them lol but scotch eggs now we are taking :)
  25. awwww my friend 6 months is awesome and you are just the best Burrito with lashings of awesome sauce poured all over it!!!! hope you celebrate big time today! thanks for all you bring to the board :)

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