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Everything posted by ChRiSpY

  1. 52.... damn.
  2. Bakon?
  3. Nice job... triggers are everywhere. I though of it as building a wall. Like drinking was always a big trigger for me. Everytime I made it through and evening of drinking without a smoke...I put a brick up on my wall. As I continue to beat that trigger I continued to build my wall... until smoking while I was drinking was not even a thought (most times) because it was on the other side of my wall.. I could not even see it. I know that is kind of a wanker (that is for you foreigners) reponse... but it is the real stuff. Keep on keepin on.. it will only get easier.
  4. ChRiSpY

    chicks or sticks

  5. Got it...floppies... well don't got it.. not right now atleast. Thanks for helping out. We should have a translator forum.
  6. Well if it helps... you look alot younger than 46.
  7. PS. You guys are so much cheaper than a therapist.
  8. and another thing... We went to the beach last week and we were playing in the water all week. We were boogie boarding every day. We would act like we were local surfers and talk all stupid and stuff. Who is going to act stupid with me when he is gone. The wife... hell she spends most of her time shaking her head at us now...can't imagine if I gave her the full stupid imature treatment. Can't act stupid around friends... got a rep to live up to :o I am not really ready to grow up... got alot of stupid to give.
  9. WTF does that mean :)
  10. ChRiSpY

    chicks or sticks

  11. I know Bakon... I am being dangleless... but dammit.. you don't buy me flowers anymore... you come home late and dinner is ruined... what happened to us??? All kidding aside... I think it is the feeling that my life has centered around him for 15 years... everything I did had something to do with him. And now... he is needing me less and less everyday. And soon... poof he will be gone and in college. Then what... maybe I need a new hobby.
  12. ChRiSpY

    chicks or sticks

  13. So...I am having some real issues as of late. My youngest..and only natural child is a freshman in high school this year. He starts on Friday. I said something to Tiff via PM and then decided to share my pain with all to enjoy on this board. I am only 40 years old. Why does it make me feel like I am knocking on death's door because my baby is in high school. Is 40 too old to have another baby? Should I buy a porshe or ferrari to compensate? I still act pretty immature for my age too. So does that count for young? Maybe young at heart? I wonder if there is a forum for folks that are feeling too old. Please help me out of my fetal position...I need to get some work done.
  14. ChRiSpY

    chicks or sticks

  15. ChRiSpY

    I made it.

    Congrats on the digs.
  16. ChRiSpY

    chicks or sticks

  17. Congrats... stay on your toes and move forward. Keep on keepin on.
  18. ChRiSpY

    chicks or sticks

  19. Well..being a dude I know that sometimes it takes a visual to go along with the dream. And unless Action is into butterflies, sharks or emoticon smiley faces (not that there is anything wrong with that)...then it had to be somone with a pict. Beins as it was not Marti...and then action thru us a bone (no pun intended) (well yes I guess it was intended) with the 3 names I just pict the one that he could print out the picture to :o . hey I am not just another pretty dog face!!!
  20. ChRiSpY

    chicks or sticks

  21. I feel like such a woman now that I am interested in this. But now I am guessing it is Gem. It would have to be someone who has had a pict as there avatar.
  22. ChRiSpY

    chicks or sticks

  23. With the new avatar...I want to guess Marti???
  24. Nice! Ain't a thang if you ain't got that chicken wang. Keep on keep on.
  25. Nicobitches last ditch effort to get you back in the death club. Nice work fighting it off. I had the same issues at about the same time. Soon...it will be nothing but a fart in the wind. Hold on and congrats on your new life... you rock. Keep on keepin on.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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