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Everything posted by ChRiSpY

  1. Where is the most exotic place you have traveled? Where is the most exotic place you want to go to?
  2. You guys are doing great!!!
  3. ChRiSpY

    chicks or sticks

    6 Hi.... done pouting about losing so much... beinas sticks are running things in here now
  4. ChRiSpY

    chicks or sticks

  5. ChRiSpY

    chicks or sticks

  6. Stew... Chilli has beans and beans are gross. Dress up or Dress Down
  7. Nice Job Dancer... 9 days is awesome. Good Job planning it out too. Sounds like your mind is right for this quit...congrats. Keep on keepin on.
  8. Dang it...I can't see it... my work blocks everything fun.
  9. Dog here.
  10. Hold on Bakon... let me get my phone out.
  11. Yes share your shittiness... let us help you bare the load... we got you.
  12. Wendy....keep fighting... keep pushing forward. All of the treacle stuff is normal. Quitting smoking sucks...it is hard... but when you reach the promise land....it is more than treacle(ing?) worth it...I PROMISE YOU.=!!! You need to find a positive in your quit... google images of people dying from smoking related illnesses. You are doing the best treacle thing for yourself. Hang on and hold tight... and keep on keepin on.
  13. Yo Mike...where are you at homie?
  14. "But, nobody put a gun to my head to keep me smoking. I have to take full responsibility." Yeap!!!
  15. ChRiSpY

    Wanting more

    Do you need help judging?
  16. Yeap.... don't dwell on your past...is it what defines you... absolutely not. Do not look back...only forward for you my non smoking friend. Life is good on this side... keep pushing... keep fighting and you will get the pay off pitch. Awesomeness. Keep on keepin on.
  17. Congrats...stay on your toes though.
  18. ChRiSpY

    It's personal.

    Congrats... you should be very very very proud of yourself. Shout it out if you want ... f uck those who can't grasp it...it means not. Haters gonna hate. Keep on keepin on.
  19. Sissy
  20. Nicotine
  21. Camel was a big player in the couponing. I would always get coupons from them. I would also get coupons for snus. Not even really sure what that is...but it seem to start to become popular when cigs went up in price. I am just glad I am done with that...it is soooo nice.
  22. One month is AWESOME Nat. Congrats on your awesomeness. You are about to enter into a brand new life... and you took control... YOU... you should be very proud of yourself. Keep moving forward... no looking back now. Keep on keepin on.
  23. ChRiSpY

    Photo Share

    Nice pict DF.. .nom nom nom nom.
  24. 8 days is the bombdigity. Action Jackson... how are you going to celebrate your 1 year?

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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