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Everything posted by ChRiSpY

  1. Unfortunatley not... I love the country...I love the mountains and I love the water. Want to live off the grid in the middle of it all. TPBM has had a colonoscopy...and enjoyed it :huh:
  2. I am very tired...I have been running alot lately (something I have never done in my life) and I get crazy legs at night...had a really hard time sleeping lately. HA...homemade is the best... but I will eat the canned :huh: ... Mrs. Chrispy will not make if for me out of the can... makes her sick. TPBM loves the water (ocean, lake) and wishes they could be on or near it all the time
  3. ChRiSpY

    chicks or sticks

    -5 Ummmm Ds.. do you need any comforting about your G Men as the Boom calls them?
  4. Couple things here.... 1. Stop hiding in your room... get busy... get you mind off it 2. I found that if I cut a straw and put it in my mouth when I drove... it helped. Others have used lolly pops or anything like that ...that you can put in your mouth. (And still drive :P ...sorry about that) 3. Something that I found very important and powerful in my quit...accountability. There were alot of folks (in my non-internet life) that thought that I couldn't do it.... and I was out to prove to them that I was better then that. 2nd thing about accoutability... this board and actually my quit buddy (SueRose). I did not want to let these folks down. I had gotten so much support and they had put too much time into me to throw it away. That is just me...take it for what it is worth. But maybe... you should tell everyone you know...make yourself accountable. Keep on keepin on...you are almost through the worst of the worst.
  5. ChRiSpY

    chicks or sticks

  6. Now maybe I don't much care for Thanksgiving...but I love xmas. Everyone is happy. The only thing about decorating for xmas is putting lights on the roof of the second floor. Other than that... I would be a Griswald if I could. TPBM like Corn Beef Hash
  7. ChRiSpY

    chicks or sticks

    -4 I think he had a liquid breakfast on the daily
  8. Wendy...If i could go to "another board"... (I guess not could...but wanted to).. I could pull this exact same post from earlier on in my quit. It is all "part of it" I was so worried that I was going to lose part of me...that I would not be the same. I was worried that I was going to lose my sense of humor... I would lose my patience. Guess what??? I am the exact same person...but without the addiction. It sucks in the beginning... I was a total prick. I was scared that this was the new me. It is kinda like when I am sick... my paranoid self says "will I ever feel better?" Stupid I know... but it is what it is. Listen... smoking does nothing to establish who you are as a person. Smoking is an accessory... smoking is a handbag. You will be back to yourself...the only difference is a shitload more confidence. Hold on and ride it out...all will be good again in Wendyland.
  9. ChRiSpY

    chicks or sticks

  10. Pride in my quit.
  11. ChRiSpY

    chicks or sticks

  12. ChRiSpY

    chicks or sticks

    -8 Boy or girl Alex?
  13. ChRiSpY

    chicks or sticks

    -10 and a sandwich?
  14. ChRiSpY

    chicks or sticks

    -10 Mornin Saz.
  15. ChRiSpY

    chicks or sticks

    -11 She is good Ds. Today is her last day with the cone...so after we go to the vet tonight (which will be hell)... she will be much better. She is actually already trying to walk on it... which is way before schedule...I am having to calm her down. How are you?
  16. BREATHE!!!! 4 SECONDS IN...... 4 SECONDS OUT. CLOSE YOUR EYES AND REPEAT!!! And then evaluate before you open your mouth...is it really that bad? O....good morning to you and congrats on the best decision of your life.... push... step... keep fighting.. you are gaining a freedom that you could never imagine. You are fighting for your life. All of our spouses have been thru hell with us. It is part of the game. I am sure he understands. Your body is healing... you are retraining your brain to live without those nasty suicide sticks. Hold on..... get busy and most of all... keep on keepin on!!!
  17. Hey DF... let's focus alittle more on the POSITIVES in your life right now.... YOU ARE A BADASS MOTHA F UCKER.... YOU HAVE NOT SMOKED A CIG IN 4 MONTHS!!!!! 4 MONTHS IS AMAZING!!! Get high on that... let your confidence run crazy. Do something you could never do before and celebrate. I will be running my very first 5K this weekend. I was never a runner (really am not now) I just wanted to do something that I have never done before. I feel AMAZING.... how do you feel really??? OUT WITH THE NEGATIVE... PUSH FORWARD WITH THE POSSITIVE. YOU ARE AWESOME!!! Keep on keepin on.... GET BUSY LIVING!!!
  18. Good Morning all.... .these numbers are both amazing and disturbing at the same time. Can't believe how many I took down over the years. I would like to add my 13,381 =182,277
  19. ChRiSpY

    chicks or sticks

    -12 Good Morning
  20. False....I have one heck of a disfunctionalass family. The only thing I am looking forward to is not working and watching my Cowboys TPBM is funny enough to make someone's day
  21. ChRiSpY

    chicks or sticks

  22. ChRiSpY

    chicks or sticks

    Story of my life.
  23. ChRiSpY

    chicks or sticks

    -19 Julie is back in the house huh? Already talking smack. Things have changed in these parts soberchick.... danglers rule the game now.
  24. Make sure you do something you love.... make sure you go for it.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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