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Everything posted by ChRiSpY

  1. ChRiSpY

    chicks or sticks

  2. ChRiSpY

    chicks or sticks

  3. Congrats on the solid movements.
  4. This post is more confusing then most of Bakons
  5. ChRiSpY

    DD is mean

  6. No one knows how to quit better that someone who has successfully done it. We just have different ways of helping...guiding...advising. You got a problem with Sarge.. don't read his shit then. Read some of the other "softer" people's posts. There are some "fluffers" on here if you need to be cuddled. Take what you need an leave the rest... but don't use us as your excuse.
  7. So did the cigs cure your loneliness ....sadness...misery... or feeling down? Or is it worse not cause you suck and gave in to your addiction. Time to be strong...and get your mind right. Want to be successful? YOUR CHOICE. Don't smoke anymore
  8. Your bigger then you think
  9. ChRiSpY

    chicks or sticks

    0 Woof
  10. Bakon.. would you like to take this one?
  11. Holy shitburgers... that is alot of coffee!!!
  12. "That feeling" sucks...sucks bad... but it is sooooooo worth it... promise. I thought about it as being sick and when the sickness is over.. you will feel sooooo much better. KEEP FIGHTING!!!!!
  13. Nice work... no looking back now... onward and upward... keep your foot on the gas. Keep on keepin on
  14. Step 1... Don't smoke anymore Step 2... buck the fcuk up and deal with the Bullshit Step 3... be a winner... the other side is a wonderful place keep on keepin on
  15. Congrats grandpa. even if you did not go with Christy for the name. ;)
  16. It's gettin' hot in her...so take off all your clothes...
  17. Sooooooo... bad news...good news... the ONLY bad thing that came out of my quit is the heartburn/acid reflux. Good news... acid reflux will not kill you. Keep on keepin on.
  18. Keep on keepin on
  19. All normal shit... onward and upward... push hard and keep going. Your life is about to change and it is AWESOME!!!
  20. If it helps you quit smoking... then go for it. Just make sure you are not addicted to the vaping as well. But that goes for any quit add. My aunt still chews nico gum 9 years later. I used the gum to quit and then very easily quit the gum. Do what you must... just quit it all.
  21. Make up your mind.... and don't change it About a week of physical bullshit...and then it is all mental. Failing sucks...don't do it anymore.
  22. Woof Woof... I do love a pretty bitch. Congrats on the new dog.. she is awesomeness.
  23. Different Strokes for different folks...everyone's quit is different... the 3 day... 3 week.. 3 month thing might not be your digs. Don't put too much stock in it. Just keep driving forward... think about how much it would suck to have to got through it again. Plus the guilt of failure. No Bueno. It sucks right now...and it will for a while.. but you will come out the other side smelling like roses. Keep pushing...keep fighting and don't give up. It is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo worth it for many reasons. Probably stated above but I am literally too lazy to read everyones posts. Keep on keepin non
  24. ChRiSpY

    chicks or sticks


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