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Everything posted by ChRiSpY

  1. It's a lie... smoking just gets your mind off of your issue momentarily. It allows you to walk away for a situation. That is bullsh*t. Have you ever tried Meditation? Sh*t is not that serious..... don't take things so personal. Try not to judge or have an opinion on stuff that has nothing to do with you. Just my 2 cents... changed my life. And the sky is blue!
  2. Fresh Air
  3. Every time it happens it will be easier to beat....until it is no longer an issue. Keep on keepin on.
  4. In the immortal words of Mel Gibson..... F R E E D O M ! ! !
  5. AUGUST 23RD.... 20 DAYS... ALMOST HERE!!!
  6. Nook Beach Resort or Cruise
  7. Like a boss
  8. Keep on keepin on.... onward and upward... soon all of this Bullsh*t will be in your rear view mirror.
  9. Sounds like right at about the 2 week mark ... the "high" of your quit is wearing off and the panic is setting in. Why panic? Why not excitement of knowing that you do not have to worry about smoking anymore. Get your mind right. Give yourself no other option. and don't smoke that ciggie at home...that will be your first "win" in this, your final quit.
  10. Ok...so you don't "really like" her.. you are just fascinated but how F'ing stupid she is? I can understand that.
  11. Nope...sorry. He has to want to quit.
  12. Ummmm... gotta go.......
  13. Interesting. You got to tell me why? I mean.. you don't got to tell me anything... but you got to tell me why.
  14. Ummmmm.... Superduperhooper... are you from Teen Mom? Speaking of movies.....
  15. ChRiSpY

    4 Weeks...

    4 weeks till you finally get to "do it"... that is exciting...r i g h t ? ? ? ? ? ?
  16. Change your mind and your outcome will change. The first 72 are physical... the next alot are mental. Give yourself no other option... you will not smoke!!!
  17. ChRiSpY

    F it

    I need to lose some lbs for my cruise in October.. F it.. time to get real!!!
  18. ChRiSpY

    F it

    You are going to be negative all the time.... F it.. .you gone!!!
  19. I am paying it forward as well. The forum/people was hugeness in my quit.
  20. Yardwork Saturday. Chicago on Sunday for Taste of Chicago and maybe we will take in a museum.
  21. Product Data Specialist (Ever seen the movie Office Space??? That is me) Baseball/Soccer Coach... although the little bastard is getting too old for me now Park Ranger or Charter Fishing boat captain Bachelors in Journalism Politics... don't even really care to learn Move south and do something fun for a living...get off my ass Just started reading about and practicing meditation... best decision... I am much calmer.. more relaxed
  22. ChRiSpY

    F it

    I got in trouble... F it.. time to make stuff better and move on.
  23. A$$holes on the other forum.
  24. ChRiSpY

    What type

    Will camp, hike and go to the bathroom outside.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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