So my Step Dad fell last Sunday and he hurt his neck really bad. Bad enough that he was in horrible pain and my mom had to call the Ambulance to come get him. Turns out he had a tumor that had eaten away at his C6 Vertebrae. It was basically hollow at this point. Every doctor that came in, and he has like 5 at this point, think that it is Multiple Myeloma. And Mutiple Myeloma usually always comes from somwhere else. So the "Same Question" that every single Doctor and every single nurse asked..... "Did you smoke?" It gave me chills.... and it scarred me. He did smoke for many years...but he quit 8 years ago. I am struggling with why I took the chance and smoked... I am stuggling with the fact that I was soooooo stupid.
We are not sure where is Myeloma has come from at this point. Still waiting on the results of many many tests that has been done to him.
He had Surgery Wednesday night. They opened up the front of his neck to get the front of the tumor and then flipped him over and opened up the back of his neck to get the back. While they were in there they put in a cage... took bone from his hip and put it in the cage along with some bone growth matter. He is in severe pain and agony so far every day.
Are you lurking... thinking about quitting? I would do it now... before it is too late.
Don't be stupid. Cancer sucks.... and it hurts the person that has it as well as everyone that loves that person.