1.Are you named after someone?.. No 2.When is the last time you cried ?..I think that I teared up a bit Saturday night when the Cubs won the penant. 3.Do you like your hand writing ?...no 4.What is your favourite processed lunch meat..Salami 5.Do you have kids ?..2 6.If you were another person,would you be friends with you ?...if I got to know me 7.Do you use sarcasm ?..your mom 8.Do you still have your tonsils ?..no 9.Would you bungee jump ?..no 10.What is your favourite cerial ? Lucky Charms 11.Do you untie your shoes when you take them off ? Negative 12.Do you think your a strong person ? Yes 13.What is your favourite ice cream ? Chocolate 14.what is the first thing you notice about people ? Eyes 15.Red or pink ? Pink...I love the pink 16.What is the least thing you dislike about yourself ? I am a sore loser 17.What color pants and shoes are you wearing at the moment ? Brown and brown 18.What was the last thing you ate ? Protein bar for breakfast 19.What are you listening to right now ? whiners at work 20.If you were a crayon,what color would you be ? Blue 21.Favourite smell ? Coffee Grounds and Mayo 22.wWho was the last person you spoke to on the phone ? Ole Lady 23.Favourite sport to watch ? Football and Baseball 24.Real hair colour Brown. 25.eye color Blue 26.Do you contacts ? no 27.Favourite food to eat ? Pizza 28.scary movies or happy endings ? Happy endings for sure 29. Last movie watched ? Magnificent 7 30.what book are you reading ? try not to read 31.What is on your mouse pad ?..no pad 32.What is the last TV programme you watched ? Walking Dead last night...AWESOMENESS 33.Rolling stones or the Beatles ? Stones 34.why is the farthest you have traveled ? Bahamas 35.Do you have any special talents ? Yes...but I don't want to get you women (and boo) all worked up 36.Where were you born ? Virginia