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queen greenlover

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Everything posted by queen greenlover

  1. too funny
  2. I can't wait, so tired of the cold and snow, plus I can't wait to be outside walking.
  3. OMG I had read a spoiler but Sunday show was so edge of your seat. Can't wait for everyone to see it.
  4. I own seasons 1 thru 8 of 24. Feeling better like I had hoped with walking dead coming back on this summer.
  5. What a pretty kitty. You'll make a nice pet parent.
  6. Congratulations
  7. when my staples come out then I can start rehab so hopefully on Feb 19 I can return to work.
  8. Thanks everyone for ongoing support and prayers.
  9. I'm at work, playing on the computer just wanted to say hi & that I'm still a little tired but looking better & eating better.
  10. Yes it's being home, now I'm working on improving my diet e5c. Thanks guys
  11. Thanks so much you guys,after sun you may not see me for a few wks, BUT I will text MQ & he will let you know how monday went. I will miss everyone but will come back as a new person. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  12. I love The Leftovers & Stalker-theirs talk this might get kicked to the curb.
  13. I so love them.
  14. Good for you,2 smoke free yrs.
  15. Thanks so much :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  16. :rolleyes: Please do "beth" by KISS, I can enjoy that while off cause I can see the videos on my phone. thanks :rolleyes:
  17. Finding this topic today just totally warmed my heart. After tomorrow I can still check in on my phone-so for sure I will keep you all posted. Thanks so very much. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  18. Being all fixed up so I can be super Queen Greenlover. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  19. Come to Gaylord Mi we have 6". And more is coming today. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  20. NOPE :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  21. As "Jack Bauer" would say-DAMN IT I'm so sorry I missed your anny-nothing is as sweet as that first anny. Big Yah hoo!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  22. I loved the Outer Limits & my brother & I were iceskating at nite & I was convinced the gila monster was going to break thru the ice & eat us. Loved Twilight Zone to. On friday afternoon?? they reshow season 5-cool deal. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  23. I just got caught up this week.
  24. :rolleyes: I'm down here doing some work so the computer was calling me to use pretty colors. I hope none are hungover & that all the walking dead fans are enjoying the marathon that ends late fri nite. My surgery is Jan. 12 but I work a few days next wk. Make some realistic goals for yourselves-number 1 being Staying Cig Free. :rolleyes:

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