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queen greenlover

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Everything posted by queen greenlover

  1. Congrats on achieving 2 yrs of cig freedom.
  2. This why this time you'll quit for good. Sure most of here had to quit for some reason or other BUT.......until you quit for just YOU you will cave. Soon you & the mister will be having coffee by the fireplace & maybe some extra "fun".
  3. I love that post-that is such a good way for a smoker to see his quit chances flying by. :dash2:
  4. Mine to-so I drain the can into a bowl & give him a few chunks. The cat using the toilet then wanting tp was damn funny.
  5. I have no plans to smoke today either :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  6. Wow somewhere warm-that would be fun. Glad you could do this. Everyone needs a break.
  7. Its amazing how when we were smokers we knew we stunk but didn't care, that's what is so nice when you quit on how quickly you want to puke when by a smoker. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  8. 12 wks is a big deal cause now you're in triple digit numbers. Plus now you'll get a taste of real freedom & being comfortable in your quit. Good job.
  9. Hopefully some fence sitter will read your post & decide o quit too. That's the thing-once people decide & stick with they realize what a doofus they were for not quitting sooner. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  10. Congrats on this first big anny, this one will always be special.
  11. Happy Birthday guys-sure hope it was special & fun.
  12. Its good you are here asking for help.so many take the easy/slider way out & just give in, BUT every time you give in & have to go back to day zero it hits you between the eyes what a "dumass" thing it was to smoke. Sure ALL of us wished for a magic wand/potion to make time go faster & get to that promised land of easier on you quit time & it will come to you just like it did to me & others. NONE of us would be cig free for months/yrs if it always sucked. Keep forcusing on the future.
  13. I love the back & forth-that is how you win the daily battles with this addiction.
  14. If I did,I'd like to go to Chicago on St. Patricks day,go to the 9/11 spot in NY,go see the Pope, see President Kennedy grave. Those are my biggies.
  15. Those rabbits cracked me up. So how many ended up watching an old episode of our show last nite??? Can't wait to buy season 5. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  16. So sorry you're having "urges" BUT as you stand your ground & NOT give in the stronger you become. Trust me & other relaspers-that smoke that you think will be the CUREALL won't do jack shit for you.
  17. Yay Marcus-love your post-yeah Father Gabriel needs to be a walker meal soon.
  18. I know not evryone here is "churchy" but I want to wish everyone a nice holiday wkend.
  19. Thankyou for inviting me & helping me to trust & believe that this site could be a safe place to post. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  20. Nice post :D Thats what is so hard sometimes-trying to find the right words to help someone stuck & hurting,wanting to say "F" it & go buy & smoke a pack. All we can do is be a listening ear,share what worked for us & try to get the person struggling to hang in there.
  21. I'm glad Tara is awake, too bad about Reg & yay "porch dick" got his. Its too bad Glen didn't kill that loser that was trying to kill him. Can't wait for season 6 & Morgan & more on those "wolves". I hope the spinoff this summer is good-I figure in August they will show it. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  22. Thank You so much, my day has been alot of fun. Lots of well wishes & a new knitted hat-all in all a great day. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  23. Thanks for the birthday wishes.
  24. Yay your 1st anny is so close now. Congrats.
  25. The first few months you get hit with temptations-BUT for every one you get & kick to the curb the stronger your quit will become. YOU can do this.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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