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SueBeDoo last won the day on October 29 2014

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About SueBeDoo

  • Birthday May 14

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  • Location
    The land of leprechauns and all things green
  • Quit Date
    29th september 2013

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  1. SueBeDoo


    Get well soon xxx
  2. Love it, Ye big Ride!!!!!!!
  3. -10
  4. SueBeDoo

    chicks or sticks

  5. Fired up I am, Ye I'll have a little dance with ye, no slip of the hand ;)
  6. Down girl lol
  7. Is that directed at me Chrispy, Who are ye telling to relax???
  8. ^^^^^Love it ;)
  9. What the hell are you crapping on about now, Jesus you are one of the most negative people I have ever known Crysalis. For the record I have to have Colonscopies every year, I had one 3 weeks ago and my arse was red raw from going to the loo soo much, it hurt for days after to sit and I was wide awake during the procedure so I felt every move the camera made inside me, My Aunty has bowel cancer, my grandad died from it and myself and my dad had polyps removed this year, so down off your high horse, I was stating exactly what I experienced.
  10. Best of luck today Mike, hope your arse is ok, probably red raw today xxx
  11. Nope Happy Paddys day guys xxxx
  12. -8
  13. SueBeDoo

    chicks or sticks

  14. Oooh I feel your pain Mike, had it done a few weeks ago, no point in leaving the bathroom, it's relentless for hours ; ( Best of luck xx

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