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Everything posted by MarylandQuitter

  1. It's this key.
  2. I may be going out on a limb here, but when drinking causes problems peoples lives, it might be time to stop for a bit and reevaluate. If drinking is a catalyst for smoking, it's not only causing problems in your life but it's also causing a problem that will kill you. Personally, I would walk away from the drinking for now and focus on keeping your quit. You'll gain a lot of insight on your smoking addiction and your drinking once you walk away from alcohol until your quit is stronger. Everything you did as a smoker you can do as a non-smoker, and that includes drinking, but you must first focus on and protect your quit. Everything You Did As A Smoker You Can Do As An Ex-Smoker This video points out that many people don't even attempt to quit because of the fear that they will not only have to give up cigarettes when they quit smoking but also, all of the activities in their lives that they did with cigarettes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqlyAdvafio&index=13&list=PLCDB8BA311D538113
  3. Evelyn, you've already made the choice to not smoke or else you'd already been to your drunken neighbor to bum a smoke. Give yourself your more credit. Life can suck, believe me, I get it. I realize that you're dealing with a whole lot more than many people but as you know, and your relapses have proven, smoking won't help. Keep writing and venting and this will pass.
  4. 0
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  6. -2
  7. Welcome to the forum! Do you have a plan to quit? Let us know where we can help. Really good video about drinking when quitting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VPYfgszP3g
  8. I don't know but this woman does. lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCP2YV6Jge0
  9. I'm 42 and my daughter will be starting Kindergarten this month. On one hand I'm happy but on the other hand, not so much. It's the first step for her into this big old world and all of the unknowns that go along with it. I've already put in leave for that day and I hope that I can choke back the tears when I bring her to school. This is a very big deal for me as I had always wanted a child of my own and finally was blessed with this most precious child when I was in my late 30's. She had this graduation from her daycare on base in June and they played this video of the kids, showed pics etc. and I was a mess. When I thought I was over it, I would look at her sitting in her little chair with her cap and gown and I would lose it again. A 42 year old man crying for the better part of 90 minutes at a daycare graduation. WTF have I turned into? :cray: You should feel young! lol
  10. Sandar, you're doing great and we hear so many times to protect our quit and that's exactly what you did by going to whyquit.com and reading the materials there. There has been a lot of members talking about triggers lately and it's no coincidence as it's mid August and seasons are getting ready to change and of course, stress. Stress is a huge trigger for a lot of people, myself included. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMhyHzvHgt8&feature=youtu.be http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADlHtj7N8vo&feature=youtu.be
  11. This one hit me kind of hard. He's always been one of my favorite actors. When I saw him in "Awakenings" I couldn't believe that this funny man had mastered the skill of acting and making it 100% believable. I've always ranked him up there with the likes of DeNiro and those types because he could make you believe what you were watching. He was that good of an actor and I've said it since "Awakenings" (1990).
  12. 1,000 days is a mother of a quit! [1] Footnotes: [1] Mother always trumps monster. Chewy Stewy
  13. Welcome, Renee. There are several different methods used to quit smoking and although cold turkey is the one with the highest success rate, it doesn't mean that other methods don't work. I used Wellbutrin XL to quit. You found something that works for you so don't ever second guess or look back because when you're 80 years old and haven't smoked in many decades, it won't matter how you quit, only that you quit. The end result that we all seek is to stay quit forever. Once you quit, protect it at all costs because if you lose it, it may be years before you try and quit again or perhaps never even attempt another quit. If somebody says they pet a toad every evening at 10 PM for 15 minutes to keep them from smoking I wouldn't tell them to stop petting the toad but I would stop the train at Creepsville. lol Here you will find support to never take another puff, ever. Your cravings will be few and far between the longer you stay quit. You can go months and even longer without thinking about it. Here's a good video to help put the whole craving thing into perspective. One thing to remember, never, ever forget that you were once a smoker for the day that you forget is the day that you can get caught off guard by a sudden trigger and you could find yourself smoking again. We're nicotine addicts and remembering that we were once smokers and getting the occasional craving or thought of smoking is what we signed up for when we decided that we wanted to become smokers. For us, we can never, ever take another puff. Craves Or Thoughts For Cigarettes That Occur Over Time This video discusses the fact that people may get thoughts for cigarettes after quitting and how we have numerous resources to help former smokers minimize the problems that these thoughts may pose. The following videos explores the different causes and solution to these thoughts or craves. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7Z980ITCvk Related Media: Difference between physical and psychological urges http://youtu.be/_A8s7Pw7jA0 Video discusses how while the intensity between the psychological thoughts for cigarettes weeks or months into your quit may feel very much like the physical urges you may have encountered in the beginning of your quit, that there is an important difference in the two states. Fixating on a cigarette http://youtu.be/OZLJ_nlkUCQ Video discusses how people often fixate on the desire to have "a good" cigarette. "How long before I don't want a cigarette?" http://youtu.be/CLp_ic5VgiI Video discusses how experience is what is going to dictate how long it is before you can do certain activities without smoking, not time. Covers some of the same concepts as smoking triggers filmed a few days before, but I believe more people will look up this title because it is a question often asked by people first quitting. "Will I ever stop thinking of cigarettes?" http://youtu.be/8310BI-euJw Most people overestimate how much of a battle staying smoke free will be once they quit smoking. This video discusses how people will generally stop thinking about smoking, and much sooner than they usually think. Smoking triggers http://youtu.be/MMhyHzvHgt8 Video discussing why triggers can often create thoughts for cigarettes over time. Tell a newbie how many seconds a day you want a cigarette http://youtu.be/W_S_Z8R0_Pk Video introduces the Freedom from Nicotine thread that has hundreds of members describe the frequency and intensity of thoughts for cigarettes that they have over varying lengths of time after having quit smoking. Avoiding situations where you used to smoke http://youtu.be/M681p2B-8kA Video discusses the importance of facing triggers head on as opposed to the natural inclination of many to avoid situations where they used to smoke. Summer seasonal triggers http://youtu.be/BxWAiSN7Yls Video discusses how a national holiday or change of seasons may result in a temporary increase of thoughts for cigarettes. Change of season triggers - the fall http://youtu.be/ADlHtj7N8vo Video discussed how change of season events and conditions may result in a temporary increase of thoughts for cigarettes. Holidays that result in three day weekends http://youtu.be/BGCFdg9tY_w While discussing labor day and fall kind of changes, issues discussed in this video applies to lots of holidays and situations like three day weekends and the end of vacations for recent quitters. Be prepared for holiday triggers http://youtu.be/EOQvS4hjKYY While filmed on Thanksgiving 2011, video relates to how any holiday or special annual event can result in more smoking thoughts than no Longer-term quitters who say they are having "Bad Days" http://youtu.be/1TpXVAEgOtU Video discusses how longer-term quitters sometimes lose perspective of what really constitutes a bad day when it comes to thoughts for cigarettes. "The only time I think of smoking is when I get one of your stupid letters" http://youtu.be/DgZN4UI_8wU
  14. LB, nice to see you! The only decision to be made is by you and when you're going to post your blog. It doesn't need approved, read or anything else but there is one requirement, please put your LB avatar back up. :) We all have two common goals and they are to keep our quits and help others quit. How we go about doing that is up to each of us. Quit Train, although super cool, doesn't own a monopoly on knowledge and isn't here to reinvent the wheel. Hence Joel's video library that he's been kind enough to let us all use. Here's a cup of perfectly brewed coffee for you. :) Looking forward to reading your blog, LB.
  15. What Did They Do To You To Make You Quit Smoking? A common question posed to graduates of my stop smoking clinics was what the clinic did to the them to make them quit smoking. The video explains that as a clinic, we did nothing to them to make them quit. All that we did was provide the participants with information that helped them to understand what they needed to do to quit. It is the same information that provided freely on the Internet, through Joel's YouTube channel as well as through information and support available at the WhyQuit.com site. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTEf2IacX4Y Related Videos: Why I no longer conduct strop smoking clinics "Am I doomed to fail if I don't get professional help?" "My support group is responsible" Welcome to WhyQuit.com "I liked my other clinic more" "I don't want to see any scary pictures" "The only time I think about smoking is when I get one of your stupid letters."
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  17. N to the O to the P to the E
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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