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Everything posted by MarylandQuitter

  1. Cool. Just came in to check it out and glad to see it's been resolved. :)
  2. hahahahaha I love those choices as any of of them could be true! Especially the one to get some friends! :rofl:
  3. Man, that is making me hungry, Leanna!
  4. Welcome back, fellow Marylander!
  5. Acknowledge The Negative But Dwell On The Positive Video discusses benefits of working on developing a positive attitude about quitting smoking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zbu6onu0N_s
  6. Acknowledge The Negative But Dwell On The Positive Video discusses benefits of working on developing a positive attitude about quitting smoking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zbu6onu0N_s
  7. is that you may not ever quit again. This is a very realistic outcome if you choose to smoke again. We've all heard that smoking doesn't make anything better when in fact it makes it worse. It's doesn't calm you down, solve your problems and instead costs a small fortune and kills you. If you've started again, quit and right the ship. If you're thinking about smoking again, quickly get that thought under control and make a decision based on facts, not emotion. Emotion is what has always caused me to relapse. I was pissed off, stressed or in some funk. Here are a couple of videos to give you some things to think about work through this. Just hang on, before you know it these rough times will pass. :) Stay positive and stick around here. With the nuts we have here (I'm the lead nut, thank you very much) you can't help but stay at least a little bit positive. The Power Of Nicotine Addiction Video explains the full power of the grip that nicotine can take on an individual and the consequences that can be faced if a person does not quit smoking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpYRrZG5l8A Who Wants To Go Back To Smoking? This video discusses how former smokers at times think they want to go back to smoking, but if they really remind themselves of the package deal that goes along with being a smoker, it will be easy for them to stick to their quit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DG9qGjf2hd8&list=PL76365B6CE2DA076B Are You Stronger Than Your Cigarettes? This video discusses the importance of understanding that you won't be able to quit smoking and stay free by becoming stronger than cigarettes but rather by becoming smarter than nicotine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxLxDuTOCT0 "It's Inevitable, Some Smokers Are Going To Relapse" If you are a member of any quit smoking support group, whether it be online or a live program, it is likely that some members of your group are going to fail. You should not interpret this fact to mean that it is likely or inevitable that you are going to fail. Video spells out the major difference between people who relapse and those who don't. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ego_dpPmfOk
  8. One of my favorites from GL!!! I love the sound on "Endless Wire". Takes me right back to the 70's when I was a little tike. :)
  9. Isn't that what turned George Costanza purple? :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHdAM3qmrao
  10. 5 more freaking days. Just proves the fact that anybody can quit.
  11. We have enough space for 50 people in chat at a time. Could you imagine 50 in there at one time? It would be like Thanksgiving with the Sarges' and him telling his sister that cooking the Thanksgiving turkey is easy peasy and stop complaining about it. lol I wish I had that little story I wrote about that. Thanksgiving is coming up.
  12. Mike, welcome back! You're back on track and right where you need to be. Very glad to see you back. Anything you need, just ask. We're here to help you in any way we can. Today is a new beginning. Glad to see you're taking advantage of this gift. Don't beat yourself up too much. Onwards and upwards. :)
  13. Fight for the moment and before you know it, you will have won the battle and will just have to remember that nicotine addicts can never take another puff. Put the work in now so you can enjoy a lifetime of clean air and good health. You're lungs and heart will reward you by reversing much of the damage and in some cases, all of it. All of us started with not smoking the next one and built hours, days, weeks, months and years from not smoking that one cigarette. Anybody can quit. Anybody. [1] Chew gum instead. [2] Footnotes: 1. This means you 2. Chewie Stewie
  14. Wow. I see so many people texting and fiddling with their phones while driving and even all the new laws aren't deterring anybody. Thanks for sharing this! This will get a frequent bump! :)
  15. lol I didn't realize this until I got to work today! Some dude brought in donuts and then somebody said free coffee at DD!
  16. Winter is coming. Screw 185 lbs unless you're some fancy dude wearing skinny jeans trying to fit in with the latest fad. I don't care if I never see 185 lbs again because I don't have the time to dedicate to that level of fitness every single day. With 3 kids, helping with homework, long hours at work, stress and all other sorts of obligations, I'm okay with losing some weight but I'm not going to let it define who I am or what I think of myself. Neither should you. I think you're just upset because the Steelers got beat by Tampa yesterday. It will pass. :)
  17. N to the O!!
  18. From my experience, there is one positive to take away from the constant stress you're under; stress will not trigger a thought or crave to smoke as you continue on with your new non-smoking life. When I quit I was under constant stress and often times thought about lighting up. I held on and never lit up and the result was that I was training my mind that there was no longer a correlation between smoking and stress. Now, still under constant stress, I don't think about smoking. With some of the stress I've been under I would have for sure thought about lighting up if my quit in the beginning was relatively stress-free. Stress does not trigger thoughts of smoking. It used to when I smoked and first quit, but not now, not at all. When I first quit I thought about smoking all the time. Every day many, many times throughout the day. When I think about smoking now, although few and far between, it's when I'm calm. For example, just yesterday I had a project that I planned to do in my garage and while I was looking out the window sipping a cup of coffee in the wee hours of the morning, I saw myself smoking in the garage before I started my project. A few seconds later the image was gone and I never thought about it again. The longer you don't smoke under all this stress the stronger you'll be in the future when stress strikes. Right now you're thinking about smoking while under stress but don't give in because at some point, you will have retrained your mind (without even knowing it) that smoking and stress just don't fit. At least this is my story and how my quit has been. Hang in there and since you've committed to this quit, keep fighting because it gets so much easier. I never believed in the beginning that the thoughts of smoking, especially while under stress would be largely gone. It's true. You just have to believe us and have faith.
  19. One of her is enough. Thanks, :)
  20. Hey Ava!
  21. I'll be doing the NTAP Shuffle today (never take another puff shuffle). It helps keep your mind where it needs to be and besides, it guarantees to put a smile on your face as well as the faces of anybody within eyesight of you! :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qn8_bWeZRVU
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6BsMzc9mMs

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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