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Everything posted by MarylandQuitter

  1. $13,555 Not Up In Smoke!!

    1. SanDar


      Cha-ching! $$$

  2. Glad to hear it, Tiffany!!!! :) Ruby? Hope all is well but if you had a slip, don't let it stop you from getting back here and quitting. At least check in with an update. :)
  3. Tuck your chin and keep going. As long as you don't smoke, you'll never have to go through this again and it's only temporary. Most people can put up with just about anything for a certain amounts of time (think of POW's and years spent in torture!) for a lot less than what you're getting for quitting smoking. :) Be Proud That You Quit Smoking Video discusses the importance of being proud of yourself when you are first quitting smoking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpxnCA7fBNs&list=PL8EB359C247D3FE6C&index=15 Disorientation That May Occur When You First Quit Smoking What many people find to be the most worrisome symptom when they are first quitting smoking is a general level of disorientation. The effect is usually due to a drop in blood sugar that often occurs in the first few days after quitting. The resources below gives suggestions on how to minimize the effect. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xu7hsiOdlDM
  4. It's the same issue that always repeats itself. Perhaps this is the tree in the road that stops Tiffany from taking this to the next level. What do you think, Tiffany?
  5. Queen Queenlover was a chronic relapser, that is until she refused to no longer give in. That woman turned out to be one of the toughest around. She remained quit until she died and never gave in. Hers is the path we all need to follow for as long as we remain roaming the earth. Don't give up, Evelyn! You're way stronger than what you think you are. Do. Not. Give. In.!! Got it? GR8. :)
  6. Tiffany, I am the exact definition of an addict. When I was first faced with this by another, I was nearly appalled; that is until I realized it was true. No amount of denial or rationalization was going to change that. The same applies to you as you too are an addict. Your drug of choice is nicotine and your delivery method remains one of the deadliest of all addictions. But who wants to volley semantics back and forth for another 3.5 years? The bottom line is that in order for you to remain quit, you MUST commit to never take another puff no matter what. You've rationalized and have said quitting is too hard for a long time. Try breathing with emphysema long before you hit your 60th birthday. How will your son handle the untimely death of his mother because she said quitting was too hard? It's uncomfortable at the beginning but not hard. Get comfortable being uncomfortable, stop making excuses and commit to NOPE like the rest of us. If it was that hard to quit, there wouldn't be more former smokers than there are smokers. Think about that. Is your addiction somehow special in that it's harder for you to quit than me or the millions of others who've kicked the habit? Hardly. Take it from those of us who have long quits under our belts. We know all too well what it takes to succeed and also what you need to change to succeed.
  7. This is awesome news, Ruby! As time goes on, your list of newly found changes will grow. Reward yourself daily for not smoking. Even if it's just something very small you earned it because quitting is a big deal and each day you stay quit is another day under your belt. I love your positive attitude. :)
  8. Forget willpower. Make a non-wavering commitment to never take another puff. It may suck at the moment but you will get through this. Don't smoke! We're here for ya.
  9. Recent studies show that some electronic cigarette fluids being marketed as nicotine free actually contain nicotine. Video discusses the real danger for any former smoker who tries one of these products. http://www.quittrain.com/topic/2096-video-introduction-to-joel-misc-educational-videos-by-joel/?p=189291
  10. Is Your Nicotine-Free Electronic Cigarette Actually Nicotine Free? Recent studies show that some electronic cigarette fluids being marketed as nicotine free actually contain nicotine. Video discusses the real danger for any former smoker who tries one of these products. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Kq-UH7-Ed0&feature=youtu.be Link to articles about these studies: -E-cigarette nicotine labels not always accurate https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases... -'Nicotine-Free' E-Cigs Still Deliver the Juice https://www.medpagetoday.com/pulmonolo... Videos related to other issue raised by this video: -Carrying mock cigarettes https://youtu.be/4Jgu7Q-ZNZY -"Miracle" aids for quitting smoking https://youtu.be/AyhfRm5nev0 Other videos related to general electronic cigarette use: -Electronic cigarette users having a harder time when quitting smoking https://youtu.be/fAApE5yo3Nc -Dual use of cigarettes and electronic cigarettes https://youtu.be/BgqnM7e8aB0 -E-cigs as effective as nicotine patches https://youtu.be/M2GZJksxWP0 -Gallup Poll: Most quitters credit cold turkey http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MM2jC0... -Our views on the need for harm reduction https://youtu.be/HcPcVxA_WaA -"Whatever you do, don't quit cold turkey" https://youtu.be/lUSJLDzkIhs -Electronic cigarettes and harm reduction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xE42iW...
  11. Tiffany, you're still early in your quit and you still want to smoke. It's normal as smoking was part of everything you did every single day. Your life revolved around your smoking. You're right; it's in your head and you have a choice. Only you can make that choice, despite being uncomfortable and choosing to stay nicotine free. You can do this. The rewards are much greater than the discomfort of the desire to smoke right now. :)
  12. All I can smell is autumn in the air. No cigarette smoke, fresh or stale from the past. NOPE!
  13. First, ecigs are not safe whether they contain nicotine or not. If you use these things for just another form of nicotine delivery to feed your addiction, it needs to have an expiration date. For those who vape without nicotine, why? What's the point? I don't need to inhale chemicals through a high school science project to rationalize quitting. Is it to look cool, fit in or to remind you of the fond memories of your cigarette, your friend? I don't need that kind of reminder. Electronic Cigarette Users Are Having A Harder Time Quitting Smoking Why users of electronic cigarettes may be having a harder time emotionally with their quits over the longer-term. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAApE5yo3Nc My Cigarette, My Friend How do you feel about a friend who has to go everywhere with you? Not only does he tag along all the time, but since he is so offensive and vulgar, you become unwelcome when with him. He has a peculiar odor that sticks to you wherever you go. Others think both of you stink. He controls you totally. When he says jump, you jump. Sometimes in the middle of a blizzard or storm, he wants you to come to the store and pick him up. You would give your spouse hell if he or she did that to you all the time, but you can't argue with your friend. Sometimes, when you are out at a movie or play he says he wants you to go stand in the lobby with him and miss important scenes. Since he calls all the shots in your life, you go. Your friend doesn't like your choice of clothing either. Instead of politely telling you that you have lousy taste, he burns little holes in these items so you will want to throw them out. Sometimes, he tires of the furniture and gets rid of it too. Occasionally, he gets really nasty and decides the whole house must go. He gets pretty expensive to support. Not only is his knack of property destruction costly, but you must pay to keep him with you. In fact, he will cost you thousands of dollars over your lifetime. And you can count on one thing, he will never pay you a penny in return. Often at picnics you watch others playing vigorous activities and having lots of fun doing them. But your friend won't let you. He doesn't believe in physical activity. In his opinion, you are too old to have that kind of fun. So he kind of sits on your chest and makes it difficult for you to breathe. Now you don't want to go off and play with other people when you can't breathe, do you? Your friend does not believe in being healthy. He is really repulsed by the thought of you living a long and productive life. So every chance he gets he makes you sick. He helps you catch colds and flu. Not just by running out in the middle of the lousy weather to pick him up at the store. He is more creative than that. He carries thousands of poisons with him which he constantly blows in your face. When you inhale some of them, they wipe out cilia in your lungs which would have helped you prevent these diseases. But colds and flu are just his form of child's play. He especially likes diseases that slowly cripple you - like emphysema. He considers this disease great. Once he gets you to have this, you will give up all your other friends, family, career goals, activities - everything. You will just sit home and caress him, telling him what a great friend he is while you desperately gasp for air. But eventually your friend tires of you. He decides he no longer wishes to have your company. Instead of letting you go your separate ways, he decides to kill you. He has a wonderful arsenal of weapons behind him. In fact, he has been plotting your death since the day you met him. He picked all the top killers in society and did everything in his power to ensure you would get one of them. He overworked your heart and lungs. He clogged up the arteries to your heart, brain, and every other part of your body. In case you were too strong to succumb to this, he constantly exposed you to cancer causing agents. He knew he would get you sooner or later. Well, this is the story of your "friend," your cigarette. No real friend would do all this to you. Cigarettes are the worst possible enemies you ever had. They are expensive, addictive, socially unacceptable, and deadly. Consider all this and NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF!--Joel
  14. He is the brains behind our new home and will be making sure all is operating well. By the way, we're transferred to our new home and the site was only down for 15 minutes in the middle of the night during the move. Excellent! :)
  15. Good to see you! Let's finish once and for all this time!!
  16. NOPE. Not today, not EVER!
  17. Yes! A cold used to linger on for two weeks or better and now it's 2, maybe 3 days at the most. I used to get little colds often and now, I don't think I've had one in almost two years now. *knock on wood!!!! lol
  18. lol, we're in the process of moving to an entirely new server configuration which is much more sustaining. We'll be doing trial moves so when we actually move the site, the downtown will be a couple of hours instead of much longer. :)
  19. Welcome to QT and congratulations on you and your wife's decision to give up the cancer sticks! Speaking from experience, quitting smoking is a walk in the park compared to 12 year old's and teething babies. :) Don't be fooled into thinking that smoking helps you deal with daily stresses and challenges because it does not; it adds to it as the nicotine increases your heart rate, raises your blood pressure and causes adrenaline to flood your nervous system. It's impossible that is has any kind of calming effect. I Smoke Because I Like Smoking Video discusses how people who often say the smoke because they like smoking can come to realize that they really smoke because they don't like not smoking https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCkt_ajgTQE Keeping Cigarettes To Deal With Stress Video explains the importance of getting rid of your stashes of cigarettes when you quit smoking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymwuG_f_tGY&index=19&list=PL0F23FAFB942E402A
  20. The beginning of a new school year...most kids aren't crazy about summer ending the start of a new school year so if these little people can handle 9 months of "suffering" through homework, early bedtimes etc., you might as well endure a small amount of discomfort for a much, much shorter time and quit smoking today. Each day you put off quitting smoking you increase your chances of smoking related diseases or an early death. All things considered, quitting now is your best option. :)
  21. Tiffany, how's the quit going?
  22. Sorry it was down longer than anticipated. Thanks for your patience! :)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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