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Everything posted by MarylandQuitter

  1. I've got a good one, LB. You would think that certain things we encountered as smokers would have sealed the deal and forced us to quit. Ever heard the old tale that putting a horse hair into a cigarette would surely make anybody quit? I have one better. I would always save a little water in my water bottle or a little soda in my bottle to put out cigarettes while driving. You know where this is going but follow me anyway. As the liquid was absorbed by the cigarette butts, I would keep adding water or whatever I had until my make-shift ashtray was completely full. A full bottle of fermented nastiness. One night I was driving and I had two diet ginger ale bottles in the side-by-side cupholders in my truck. One bottle was chock full of tobacco hooch and the other was a fresh, cold bottle of groovy ginger goodness. I was so thirsty and in my haste, I lost track of which bottle was which. It was dark. I grabbed the wrong bottle. I chugged it. At first I didn't notice until my throat started to burn (yes, I swallowed it). And then came the moment the instant after I chugged it that something had gone terribly wrong. I pulled over and commenced rinsing and spitting far longer than what was needed. I thought for sure I was going to get sick but I didn't. So what did I do to remedy this FUBAR [1]situation? Nope, didn't quit smoking and instead lit one up once I finished my 10 minute exorcism. Over the lips through the gums look out tummy here it comes. Footnotes: [1] FUBAR is from a Clint Eastwood war movie and a General asked Clint how things were going on the battlefield to which Clint replied, "FUBAR, sir". The General asked what that meant and Clint said, "****** up beyond all recognition, sir."
  2. El Bandito, Your tag for your thread, "Guard The Quit" couldn't be more accurate. You've recognized junkie thinking and although recognizing it doesn't change the fact that you want to smoke right now, it is protecting your quit right. I'm bookmarking this thread because so many people in this situation would have relapsed and is a good wake-up call that we're all addicts and always will be. I hope you start to feel better and I bet you're glad you didn't smoke. I know I am! :)
  3. No smoking for me.
  4. 30-40 per day. Sometimes more if I was pulling a double at work. Sometimes on midnight shift I'd smoke an entire pack in 8 hours.
  5. No two better men to kick you in the butt when you need it. I'm glad that Jonny5 & Sarge had the words to break through your addiction to get you over that hump. :)
  6. This is what makes me smile. :)
  7. When I admitted to myself that smoking was more important than anything in my life. That was unacceptable to me but it was true. I left my children in the house while I went outside to smoke many times per day. I smoked while driving with the window down, dumb enough to think they weren't breathing any of it. They watched me smoke. Yet I continued on knowing what I was doing to my health and that I was cutting their time down with me. My Dr. told me "don't sit here and tell me that your daughter is the most important thing in your life because she's not. Cigarettes are." That was a tough pill to swallow but after I thought about it and what he said to me, he was right. I couldn't let my addiction to smoking come before my family ever again. Never again will my children smell smoke on my breath or see me with a cigarette dangling from my mouth. Never.
  8. You know what, Tiffany? When my Dr. called me an addict I was pissed. He wasn't buying what I was selling and laughed when I asked him if he was serious when he called me an addict. How ignorant I was. Once I accepted that I was a nicotine addict and would be for the rest of my life, it became okay for me to think about smoking. Thinking about smoking and wanting to smoke is different for me. I think about smoking everyday but I don't want to smoke everyday.
  9. Yep. The bottom left corner of the page you see "change theme" and you can use whichever you'd like. :)
  10. You can go to the bottom of the page and choose your theme. :)
  11. The compound miter saw put the radial arm saw into extinction pretty much. I have one and it's so freaking handy I love it!
  12. Jumping rope is hard, at least for me which is why I never do it. lol It's not the same as when we were kids. :) Jumping rope is great and WILL get you in shape. No doubt about that.
  13. I quit smoking so I won't be sucking any smoke into my lungs today.
  14. Click on the "Downloads" link in between the "Calendar" & "Blogs" buttons and you'll see 4 images for you to use in your tickers, if you want to. ;)
  15. Nook [1], Kindle & 2 Android tabs [2] Footnotes: [1] This is mine [2] I have a family and I need peace, hence each their own
  16. On the other wall where my weights are, there is an LED TV [1], stereo for the tunes, sectional for when I'd rather lay down and a really, really cool handmade teak/oak/red oak desk [2]. Footnotes: [1] The LED TV is hooked up to Netflix as well as the internet, FIOS so I can watch the Baltimore Ravens & Orioles [2] MQ would rather throw the treadmill away than part with desk
  17. Weight Training Program Modified Power/hypertrophy Training Split Day 1: Upper body (power) Day 2: Lower body (power) Day 3: rest Day 4: Back & Chest Day 5: Lower Body Day 6: Shoulders & Arms Day 7: Rest/Abs Power Exercises Chest: Flat dumbbell presses Back: Cable rows Shoulders: Dumbbell presses Quads: Hack Squats Hams: Stiff Legged deadlifts Routines Day 1: Upper Body 1-Seated Cable Rows 2-Lat Pull-downs 3 sets of 8-10 reps 3-Flat DB Press (following power routine) 4-Aux. chest exercise: Flat Bench Press(DB, Bench, or Hammer Strength) 3 sets 8-10 reps 5-DB Shoulder Press 6-Bicep Aux. Exercise: Dumbbell curls 2 sets of 6-8 reps 7- Tricep Aux. Exercise: Cable press-downs 2 sets of 6-8 reps Day 2: Lower Body 1-Hack Squat (following power routine) 2-Leg Press: 2 sets of 8-10 3-Stiff Leg Deadlifts (following power routine) 4-Standing calf raises (on hack squat machine) 3 sets of 6-8 reps 5- Seated calf raises: 2 sets of 6-8 reps Day 3: Rest Day 4: Back & Chest Back 1- Seated Cable Rows -3 sets of 10, stay 1-2 reps shy of failure. 2nd exercise: - Lat Pulldowns - 3 sets: 10-12 reps 3rd exercise: - dumbbell rows - 3 sets: 10-15 reps 4th exercise: close grip cable pull-downs - 3 sets: 12-15 reps 5th exercise: machine rows - 2 sets: 12-15 reps Chest 1-Flat DB Press (3 sets of 10, stop short of failure) 2nd exercise: Incline DB press - 3 sets: 10-12 reps 3rd exercise: DB Flyes - 3 sets: 12-15 reps 1 set of weighted stretches: 50% of normal 8-10 rep max on flat dumbbell press and hold the dumbbells in the stretched position for 60 seconds Day 5: Legs Quads 1- Hack Squat (3X10) @65% of 10 rep max 2nd exercise: - leg presses - 3 sets: 10-12 reps 3nd exercise: leg extension - 3 sets: 12-15 reps Hams 1- Stiff Leg Deadlift (3X10) 65% of 10RM 2nd exercise: seated leg curl - 3 sets: 12-15 reps Calves - 1st exercise: -standing calf raise - 3 sets 8-12 reps 2nd exercise: seated calf raise - 3 sets: 6-15 reps Day 6: Shoulders & Arms Shoulders 1st exercise: DB Shoulder Press (3X10) @65% of 10 rep max 2nd exercise: dumbbell side lateral raises - 3 sets: 10-12 reps 3rd exercise: Bent over dumbbell laterals - 2 sets: 12-15 reps Arms 1st exercise: Alternating dumbbell curls - 4 sets: 6-10 reps 2nd exercise: Preacher curls - 3 sets: 10-15 reps 3rd exercise: Skull crushers or overhead cable rope extensions - 3 sets: 6-10 reps 4th exercise: cable press downs - 3 sets: 10-15 reps *Superset bicep exercises with tricep exercises to cut down on time Day 7: rest/cardio
  18. Now, the food & cardio. Lifting or Cardio days Protein: 235g Carbs: 235g Fats: 60g Fiber: 25-55g Refeed (Once every 7 days) Protein: 215g Carbs: 350g Fats:50g Fiber: 25-55g Cardio - High Intensity Intervals 2 Days Per Week 5 min warmup 5 minutes of intervals each interval lasts 3 min 2:30 sec 50% of my max, final 30 sec run as fast as I can (life or death sprinting) Repeat 5 times, no rest in between 5 min cool down at a fast face Low Intensity Cardio 2 days per week 20 minutes of moderate cardio (treadmill, biking etc.)
  19. Since my fitness blog turned into the Quit Train Blog, I guess I'll start a new one here. First, my "stuff" in the basement. A treadmill is on the other side of the basement but I hate the sucker so I didn't take a picture of it. We have a love/hate relationship. :)
  20. hahahahahaha First, the dance has a lot to do with me looking like an idiot but it's at the bottom of a very long list of reasons why. :) Second, your fitness journal... :blink:
  21. Right here. :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qn8_bWeZRVU

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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