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  1. Memorial weekend eight years ago today I decided I wasn't going to buy anymore cigarettes and quit. I had a pretty rough first year and I googled a lot of my symptoms the first three weeks and each time I did it led me to my first forum. I couldn't believe all the people willing to give their time to help another person succeed. It was truly awe inspiring so I signed up. It was the best decision I could have made to win the battle with this addiction. Now I get to offer my support along with the many others. I've made great friends from all over the world and have had some great laughs along the way.
    14 points
  2. I recently saw this CDC anti-smoking campaign ad and it really hit me hard. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. It struck me that had I seen this before I quit smoking it wouldn’t have convinced me to quit. I would have watched it as I would a horror film, probably lighting up as soon as it was over and going on about my day, my way, as an addict. The one truth I’ve learned during my own quit and from other’s stories is that your quit has to be your decision and for you. Nothing anyone says or does will cause you to put those smokes down once and for all. It’s got to come from within. It’s got to be you. My fear is in what way the effects of all those years of smoking are going to show up. Will it be my teeth, jaw, heart, lungs, feet, and/or etc., etc? It’s coming, eventually. I know it. It has to. I just hope that I can draw on the strength it took for me to quit to see me through any complications that arise. All in all, I’m thankful there are Stop Smoking campaigns out there. If they can give a smoker pause to consider exactly what they are doing to themselves and what they can expect in the future soberly enough to try quitting for good then they are worth it. So if you are here reading this and wanting to quit look these ads up. Listen to their stories, read the stories posted on this forum. They help. They help so much. But ultimately it’s you. Just you, the addict and the substance of your addiction. And yes, there is victory to be had. You just have to fight for it.
    13 points
  3. You know today I was reflecting on smoking and quitting and it dawned on me that 7 years ago today I could not imagine not lighting up upon awakening in the morning, after a meal or after finishing any task yet today, after 7 years being smoke free I can not for the life of me fathom why I ever smoked those damn things. They did absolutely nothing positive for me! Quitting brings about a complete metamorphosis in your life! You come out the other side as a completely different person free from the chains of addiction and able to live your life to the fullest.
    13 points
  4. Thank you Everyone… It’s hard to believe it’s 11 yrs , it’s flown in the blink of an eye … I still remember my early Quit when I counted every minute of every day , now the years are whizzing by. Ive met some Wonderful friends along the way ,who will stay in my heart ,some are still here and some have gone off to have a great smoke free life ,I owe my success to you all snd all the folks who have taken their seat on the Train . Quitting is the best feeling ever …never doubt yourself
    12 points
  5. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required
    12 points
  6. I’ll help .., I’ll give the decks a mop
    12 points
  7. After eating way too much, I can skip the smoke and go straight to the self-loathing. Seriously though, it's been forever since I checked in with this group. I sincerely hope that all of you that have new quits will stick with it. It's been over 7 years since I had a smoke and I can honestly tell you that I rarely think about it or even remember that I smoked at all. And believe me, I loved smoking as much as anyone (pack a day for 30 years). If I can quit and stay quit, anyone can. Just like you've probably committed to not jumping in front of moving busses or putting your arm into a wood chipper (I hope), just commit to not smoking 100% and you can't fail. Get your head right and success is inevitable. All you have to do is not smoke.
    12 points
  8. Severe engine issues revealed today and I was having trouble coping. Out of nowhere or maybe that somewhere in the mind that tells you that you can’t cope, that there is some nameless something you need to get through this and then just as quickly it’s gone and your left thinking or maybe yelling it aloud in a rage, “I KNOW WHAT I NEEDED!” The addict is always there. It’ll show up when you least expect it to. It enrages me. Leaving me feeling weak and less than. But I am NOT! I’ve been kicking nicotine to the curb for almost three years and I will not release it from the chains that had me bound. The chains that I worked so hard to bind it with. I can’t and I will not. It’s why I still hang around here. Y’all helped me so much and still do. Almost everyday I get some kind of help here. Oh, well after some deep breathing and grounding myself I have gone on about my day. Without that crutch I used to have to carry around with me. It’s good to breathe freely!
    12 points
  9. Congratulations Sweetheart on your Fabulous 11 years. My Fairygod Mother Newbies … Nancy reached out to me and took me under her wing when I first came to the forum … I believe I am still here today because of the kindness she showed me . Have a good day and spoil yourself . Love you as Always
    11 points
  10. 11 points
  11. Day 5 and doing great! I woke up with more energy and did my exercises and feel great! Yesterday was the first day I was't tired all day so I'm hoping that continues! I still think about being a non-smoker all day and I like the feeling! Thank you all for your inspirations and cheers and to Mac#23....Go Bills! I was born and raised in Buffalo. Tonawanda and then Williamsville! Let's all keep it up!
    11 points
  12. Congratulations @DenaliBlues on your second year quit! You've helped so many members and probably some lurkers too with your insightful posts so thank you and I hope you stay on for many years and members to come....
    11 points
  13. NOPE Gabriela's first time in the living room after being adopted from the shelter. She made the mistake of getting into Sofia's chair. NOPE, she won't do THAT again!
    11 points
  14. Thanks everyone! I appreciate the acknowledgement. I can hardly believe it!!!!!!!!!!!! There were so many failed starts. But, that old Covid threat -- in my mind, I was sure I'd die if I got it and I was still a smoker -- got me to quit and stay quit. And I finally did get Covid, a couple of months ago, and breezed through it. No lung issues. Because I am saving money by not buying cigarettes, I can afford a 2nd dog to keep dog #1 company while I am at work. Gabriela joined us two months ago from a Humane Society shelter. She is reportedly 8 years old, but I suspect she is a bit younger - 5 or 6. She is so playful and frisky. She loves her stuffed squirrel (not a real one!) So much more we can do when we aren't spending our money on poison. Thanks, all.
    11 points
  15. Hi everyone! I was looking back at my original post from May of last year, and it's really amazing how far I have come since that first post that I made, where I was still smoking 2 cigs a day using the weaning method. OMG, I remember how horrible I felt, in a constant state of perpetual withdrawal all day and night! It was so horrible. Finally after a couple days several of you told me to give it up, I just let go and went cold turkey, I think 2 days later. Plus, all the meltdowns I had where I really couldn't handle it anymore and I was treating my family like crap. You all helped me so much!!! Wow, it all seems like ages ago!! I really have come a long way, thanks to all of you!!! The friendship and support you all gave ME, a total stranger, was mind boggling! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart! I truly couldn't have made it without all of you! I was reading a post that I made from very early in my quit and I wrote how one of the withdrawal symptoms was like a feeling on my tongue...LOL!! It wasn't a pain, just an annoying feeling. I can look back now and laugh at that, but at the time it was just horrible, plus I had a horrible sense of doom. I definitely will not go back to smoking, not only because is it bad for us, BUT, who the hell wants to get those withdrawal symptoms again!! Not me!! I have enough aches and pains in my life...LOL!!! Anyway, thank you all so much again for being here for me! Love, Sandi
    11 points
  16. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required).
    11 points
  17. Yup! 7 years today. I remember that day like it was yesterday. So glad I managed to make it through the quit process and prevent further damage to my health. When people ask me how if feels to be a non-smoker, I say this: Then I do my Happy Quitter's dance:
    11 points
  18. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required).
    11 points
  19. 11 points
  20. Geeze... I would join ya but in comparison I will just light a candle. : ) Those fires look nice and warm... just don't think I want a smore that taste like burned butt's. GOOD NIGHT ALL.
    11 points
  21. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required.)
    10 points
  22. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required.)
    10 points
  23. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required.)
    10 points
  24. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required.)
    10 points
  25. Good Gawd! I went for a walk today to check on the S.S. Quit Train. I know we like to party it up when someone reaches their 1 Year Quit mark but it's really gotten outta hand. Didn't realize the last blow-out Lido Deck event left our ship & Lido Deck in such a state. We have only 1 Week to go from this ... To This: We Need Volunteers Pronto! Let's meet in the train's bar car
    10 points
  26. And good thinking, @Brioski, to be fixing the plumbing…
    10 points
  27. @Doreensfree, it looked like you could use a hand so I got Mr. Clean to help you: I'll be vacuuming the rooms if anyone needs me
    10 points
  28. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)
    10 points
  29. Thanks everyone. I had a quiet reflective day. Within the past several weeks I found myself apologizing to my kids, grands, and those that I am closest to for having subjected them to my smelly and filthy habit. For not always being there or not being there 100% because I lived my life around my habit, not them. So many opportunities to live, love, and laugh missed and gone forever. But I can be here, now. I can help others gain and keep their freedom from smoking. Although we can’t regain the time we’ve lost, we most assuredly can ensure living without regard to nicotine’s demands on our time, mindset, health, and finances. I appreciate everyone here so very much. Thank you all again.
    10 points
  30. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)
    10 points
  31. congrats @DenaliBlueshope you have a great day today
    10 points
  32. Wowie!!!! 2 years is amazing!! Congratulations Denali that is wonderful! All the best to you!! And thanks for all your help that you have given me!!
    10 points
  33. Congratulations on 6 years smoke free, Catlover. Great job!
    10 points
  34. NOPE…… a pinch and punch for the first of the month
    10 points
  35. Thank you all for your ideas and encouragement. It makes me so determined. I think it's now about 30 hours without a cigarette which is the longest I've gone since I started I think. I'm proud of myself but I know there is a long way to go. I didn't sleep very well last night and I woke up early. I don't feel very good. I still have a headache and my body feels bad. I feel a bit sad too. But I'm not gonna smoke. I will do some exercise soon and hopefully that will help. After I do some word games lol. Ha ha. I hope I can do it first time! Maybe my brain is fuzzy but I read this as i should get more involved in that game. That's a good idea!!
    10 points
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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