Addicts and non-addicts are exactly alike - with only a few differences.
Quitnet Re-post, March 24, 2007. Author Unknown
Addicts have cravings; non-addicts have hunger, thirst, headaches, depression, anxiety, and so on. The feelings are identical, but addicts use the wrong word. Do yourself the favour of honesty and call things by their right names. Perhaps then you can do the right thing about them, and there won’t be anything to fight.
Addicts have withdrawal; non-addicts have stress. The sensations and chemical causes are identical, but addicts use the wrong word. Also, the addict takes nicotine, which amplifies the feelings. The addict in recovery often `fights` against these feelings, and so only adds to the stress. Stop the insanity. Address stress the way sane folk do. Don’t think that smoking will help. Don’t think that fighting will help. They can only make it worse.
Addicts have urges and desires; non-addicts have memories. Again, same thing, wrong word. I remember my old girlfriend, but that doesn’t mean I want to wreck my life and leave my wife. And while I’m remembering, I’ll remember the hells that wench put me through. While you’re remembering smoking, remember that made you feel good only by taking away some of its own bad, and that bad is gone for good now.
Addicts fear consequences, non-addicts fear causes. Stop looking for the `next one`, start seeing through your delusions. Then there won’t be a `next one`.
Addicts believe that addiction `makes` them think things; non-addicts know that faulty thinking IS the addiction. You stopped believing in monsters under your bed, stop believing in demons between your ears.
You can quit. It can be amazingly easy and permanent. You just have to quit the right things. Quit using the wrong words. Quit lying to yourself. Quit fearing your own imagination. Do it consistently for two months, and I guarantee you will find yourself quoting Dr. King:
`Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we’re free at last!`
Addiction is not about weakness,
Recovery is not about strength.
Addiction is about self-deception,
Recovery is about self-love.