I have NEVER slipped , Quitnet Repost, November 11, 2006
Good morning,
We never just have one. Today I committ to getting off the treadmill of being a serial quitter. Here is another gem from Quitnet.
Keep the quit! Gene
Smoke free for 8 Days
REPOST: I have NEVER slipped written by Feziwig on 11/28/2006 9:40:17 AM
I have never slipped. Not once. I have never had just one. I have never smoked a cigarette and then gotten right back on the horse. I have never, ever slipped. I have completely and fully relapsed. I have had one that led to two that led to three that led to months and months of full time, take over my life, smoking. It may have been that one cigarette on a Friday night out with friends that felt so good after so long. Perhaps it was the one the next day because after all, if I had one on Friday and was fine, then I could certainly just have one on Saturday... and then it's Sunday and you know what? I'll quit on Monday... and now it's Monday and I may as well finish the pack.... and the next thing I know it's three months later and I'm always quitting tomorrow. I have never ever slipped.
I have never had just one. Ever. I'm writing this for the newbies here. There will be an occasional post from someone writing that they have slipped and had one or two cigarettes but have gotten back on track. People will reply to them that it's okay and to just keep on trying to quit. That's the right thing to do. We need encouragement here. And for the people who have slipped and come back to try again, kudos. However, for a newbie it may seem that slipping is almost accepted, that it's something that happens often and that it's okay.
A newbie may get the impression that it may even be easy to slip and come back. It is not. It is not by a long shot. In fact, it is probably harder. If you feel like you can have just one and then come back and try again, please remember me. Remember that I have never, not once slipped. Remember that even when I thought I could just have one, even when I was sure that I could just have one, even when I knew that I could just have one, I have always, always, always relapsed. I have always gone right back to where I was before I quit and it takes no time at all to get there. Like I said, I have never ever slipped.