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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/24/24 in all areas
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Good morning, Last night I came home from work, and I felt tired. And partner was rested and relaxed because it was his day off work. We were talking and I eyeballed his pack of cigarettes on the table. My stinking thinking flashed in my head. A momentary flash that said I wish I could have a cigarette with him. WHY? Because in that moment, I was tired, and I momentarily forgot that the belief that smoking could make me feel better was a MISTAKE. I know that thought only lasts about three to five minutes and it will go away. In fact, I confronted that stinking thinking in the moment and told my partner that this was the lie I was telling myself. He was supportive and told me that my addiction must be different than others who had quit smoking. Somehow cigarette addition had a tighter hold on me than others and this is why I was struggling. This advice coming from someone who is still in the throws of stinking addicted thinking. I realized that he was just projecting. This was his belief. The truth is that nicotine addiction grabs everyone in the same way. It causes our brain to misfire when we are feeling hungry, angry, lonely, or tired. If I bought into his belief, I know I would say I might as well give in. If you can't beat them, join them, right? WRONG stinking thinking. The way to recover from this addiction is not to smoke. Keep the quit.4 points
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Congratulations @bakon on your 12th year quit! Hopefully you check in and tell us all how you've been3 points
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Raya Quit Date: June 30 / 2011 Posted April 14, 2015 Its late and I am awake , and I got thinking how this quitting process has truly has been a roller coaster . Remember the first days quitting smoking are much like a roller coaster so if an hour from now you don't feel so good; RIDE IT OUT . There may be bit of a turn, and you feel queezy and wonder if you made the right decision ; RIDE IT OUT. There may be a hill , and you are filled with fear where you don't know whats on the other side ; RIDE IT OUT. Then you overlook that fall ahead of you ; and it takes your breathe away ; RIDE IT OUT . You may feel fear and panic and tears ; you may feel like screaming , shouting and you are just hanging on for dear life ; RIDE IT OUT. There are smooth patches and straightaways and the roller coaster does come to a stop, but in the beginning of quitting smoking just as in a real roller coaster ride , we don't quite know what to expect . It looks big and it looks scary . We step on with little faith and with little hope only protected by a buckle ; for the RIDE OF OUR LIFE. Oops! ( think I lost myself there and all of you LOL) Lets get back to quitting smoking and lets just sit at the top of this rollercoaster and think about things a bit shall we . Yup we have stopped at the top, and we are rocking back and forth . la ta da ta da back and forth. Ok so this is my thinking : If we were to ride the same roller coaster everyday then we would know what to expect and we are not as fearful when we know what to expect . Our fear and anxiety slowly subsides . The ride is still exciting and becomes rather enjoyable and even comfortable. We find the next turn won't scare us and the next hill won't take our breathe away , and roller coasters won't scare us anymore . And at the end of the day we get off excited and thrilled that we accomplished the uncertain and the unknown . Thats why "ONE day at a tIme works . Do it over and over and over ; at the end of each day be a winner . Some day you will tell this story to your grandkids, the story about the smokers rollercoaster quit ride . Perhaps someday you will go on a roller coaster ride with your kids and grandchildren to the county fair ; you will eat cotton candy ; ride on the ferris wheel ; or just watch ; but please if you do please share with them all the dangers of smoking and help them to understand that listening to advertisements about smoking and other smoking methods. may look appealing ; but they are preying on your young ; killers of your health ; your families health ; thieves of your money , and your life time. Smoking will never bring you happiness . Teach them that happiness is free ; you create it. There is no charge . OH by the way ? Are you still rocking back and forth up there on that roller coaster ? Move forward . You have a lot of friends cheering you on and waiting for you below . C YA ALL TOMORROW Link to original post: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/5103-ride-it-out/2 points
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To the creator of Sticks v Chick's... bravo cobbsie on half a slab of smoke free years <div class="tenor-gif-embed" data-postid="25834998" data-share-method="host" data-aspect-ratio="1.29032" data-width="100%"><a href="https://tenor.com/view/cat-cats-celebration-woohoo-jumping-gif-25834998">Cat Cats GIF</a>from <a href="https://tenor.com/search/cat-gifs">Cat GIFs</a></div> <script type="text/javascript" async src="https://tenor.com/embed.js"></script>2 points
Congratulations on 12 years smoke free @bakon Great job! And thanks for all the great and amusing support you've given to others over they years.2 points
Exactly! Just don't smoke! I know it's not easy at times, but as the time goes on, it will get easier. As I mentioned in one of my previous posts on this thread, my mom is a smoker and I live upstairs from her. When I go down to visit, there are times she is smoking. She would put it out for me but I tell her not to. I can't change the way people are and I think having her smoke makes me stronger. The smell doesn't really bother me like it bothers some people, I guess because I am so used to it. The longer you stay quit, the more you will start to not think of smoking all the time. In the beginning of my quit, every morning I would think about that first cigarette. Now I rarely ever think about it in the morning and most of the day as well. This will happen to you too, so just hang in there. You are doing so well Gene!2 points
Good advice from our favorite breakfast meat. He's now reached twelve years and has probably forgotten all of us.2 points
My Ex-Boyfriend: Sucked in again. Quitnet Repost, March 16, 2006 Good morning, This made me laugh but it has deadly truth. Smoking always causes us to return to that stinking thinking that having a cigarette can enhance pleasure, relieve stress or help you relax. Keep the quit. Gene My Ex-Boyfriend: Sucked in again From beaglelvr on 3/16/2006 9:42:25 AM My sister sent this to me for inspiration.. It made me laugh and an earlier post reminded me of this.. This is a great way to think about it.. Also, for you men out there, we can call your "ex" Phyllis... Pretend that Cigarettes are an ex-boyfriend... let's call him, Phillip Morris. Now, at one time you though Phil was great. he was there through thick in thin. He was the love of your life.... but then... you find out Phil had a secret plot to kill you - that's right murder you!! And he became very abusive to you -- making your teeth yellow, giving you wrinkles, making you smell... He was putting poison in your body and killing you slowly and why? because he wants to take your money! But damnit -- Phil is so good looking and he makes all those promises... so you kept taking him back in the past, convinced that he's changed, that you've changed and you can control Phil. NOPE and N.O.P.E. Phil has not changed!!! Phil is the same bastard -- he wants you back, he wants to humiliate you, make you ugly, rob you blind and kill you. Phil will never change. Do not be a battered woman!! Tell Phil that you are better than that -- that you don't need him no matter how hard he tries -- he can not take you back - YOU won't take him back... you choose another guy called... (um? Mr. Health?) -- we'll work on that one... anyway... And now it's time to sing "I will Survive" from Gloria Gaynor or maybe a little, "Set Me Free Why don't ya babe". Get over the hurdle and tell Phil to take a hike. You can do it.2 points
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Walk on the Wild Side: Lou Reed https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=oG6fayQBm9w&si=Hr5PrE-OY7Mu79G_2 points
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You got this mate. Well bloody done on your 1 month of freedom1 point
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You definitely can do it Gene....one day at a time and you will get through the first few months!! Just keep plugging along and we will make a big party on the Lido Deck at 1 year quit!!!1 point
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This is profound for me. In the past, I know I believed that if I had just one, I could always quit again. Yes, I became an expert quitter. But I never found true freedom. The true freedom that can be gained when you start to challenge stinking thinking. That stinking thinking that causes you to believe that smoking can offer relief from stress or enhance moments of pleasure. The real path to freedom is never taking one puff ever. Many thanks for posting this again @jillar1 point
Not at all. Quitnet Repost, July 20, 2007 Good morning. This quitnet gem reminds me that the real challenge and opportunity can be found in replacing stinking thinking. I'ts not even a war on smoking. It is really about understanding that smoking never had anything to do with helping to feel better, find pleasure or eliminate stress. Keep the quit. Gene Just because you've... ... Been addicted to nicotine for years, that does not mean you will always want to smoke. From gummer on 7/20/2006 9:46:17 AM Not at all. In fact, it is precisely BECAUSE I was addicted to smoking that I will never smoke again. And not because I can't, but because I don't want to. Once I got rid of those fanciful thoughts about smoking... that I loved it, that it helped me do this and that, that it made things more enjoyable... and replaced those beliefs with the reality that all it ever gave me was addiction... then my outlook changed. From then on I'd look at smoking and SEE what it would really give me if I lit up. And I wanted no part of it. That's when the struggle ended. When I discovered that I no longer wanted to smoke, no matter what. Even a craving would no longer tempt me to smoke. So as you negotiate the early cravings and withdrawals, try to remember that just because you feel this way now, it does not mean you will always want to smoke. Things will change the longer you stay smoke-free. Your views will shift as you move away from the addiction. Try to strip away any positives you still see in smoking, because once you do and you are satisfied there are none, the war will be won. Gummer1 point
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Hi @DebbieS, I've moved your thread to the appropriate forum, our Introductions and About us forum since this isn't an SOS for help from a bad crave. The SOS board is for when you're at risk of losing your precious quit and you need extra support to get through it. Post there and we'll come running!1 point
There must be some extra chemicals in the vape stick that makes it much worse. I didn't cough much when I smoked. A little in the morning but that was it, unless I had a cold or flu.1 point
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