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Quitting smoking is easy . . . Quitnet Repost, January 3, 2006. A sobering thought. Keep the quit. Gene Quitting smoking is easy . . . From Peter_is_in on 1/3/2006 10:02:05 AM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quitting smoking is easy . . . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¤ Easier than hearing your doctor say, "I’m sorry . . ." ¤ Easier than fighting cancer. ¤ Easier than laying in the hospital having radiation treatment. ¤ Easier than breathing through tubes up your nose. ¤ Easier than having a Tracheostomy. ¤ Easier than losing your vision (AMD-Age-related Macular Degeneration). ¤ Easier than COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). ¤ Easier than lying in the hospital wishing you could feel the sun. ¤ Easier than looking out the window knowing you can't go there anymore. ¤ Easier than listening to your loved ones crying outside your hospital room. ¤ Easier than researching for hospice care. ¤ Easier than preparing for your funeral because the cancer has gone so far. ¤ Easier than picking out your favorite songs for your funeral. ¤ Easier than trying to say the right words because they will be your last. ¤ Easier than your child seeing you die from cancer. ¤ Easier than imagining your child without a Mom. ¤ Easier than imagining your child without a Dad. ¤ Easier than realizing your child may need a new Mom in the future. ¤ Easier than realizing your child may need a new Dad in the future. ¤ Easier than not seeing your child's face because of blindness. ¤ Easier than telling your child you are dying because you smoked. ¤ Easier than losing a friend . . . or a friend losing you. ¤ Easier than imagining your spouse being alone. ¤ Easier than asking your friends to look after your spouse. ¤ Easier than training your job replacement and knowing why. ¤ Easier than changing your retirement plans or canceling them. ¤ Easier than going through your photo album with tears. ¤ Easier than realizing your pet may out live you. ¤ Easier than friends talking about you in past tense. ¤ Easier than realizing smoking was more important to you than your life. ¤ Easier than thinking, "So this is it . . .?" ¤ Easier than dying . . . Quit smoking now . . . start living life smoke free . . . addiction free . . . Peter _ ‹(•¿•)› ¯°°°¯¯°°°¯¯¯¯ . . . watching out for newbies Club Breakaway http://bc.quitnet.com/f/community/clubs/club.jtml?club_id=29452 points
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Congratulations @garry mhudson on eight years quit my fellow Butt Kicker! And thank you for sticking around to support those coming behind you1 point
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Great post quitting is easier than you think .. Our minds can be our worst enemy .1 point
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Good morning, This is another gem from my quitnet library. I re-read it this morning.. I wrote at the time that "once I internalize this new awareness (that smoking had anything to do with reducing or alleviating stress) , I (would) never have this psychological desire to smoke again!!! The only caveat is that this remains true as long as I do not have that next puff. If I smoke a cigarette. Gues what? The brain starts screaming for nicotine again. The desire to want to smoke goes away if we do not smoke. Keep your quit! I want a cigarette! From MutinyFever on 2/16/2005 2:42:26 PM I want a cigarette. The craving's been on me for days. I want one, and I want one now. I want to smoke it down to the filter. Huhn. Yeah. Big time addict jones. Stress, unemployment, worries, kids, my wife's health, all are weighing me down and I want to smoke, because addicts try to change their existential circumstances by changing their body chemistry. It doesn't work of course, but that is the failed way my mind desires. Of course, I won't smoke. I learned this lesson the hard way. I lost a quit, a very long, very successful quit, before because I believed a cigarette would help, that one cigarette was safe, that it wouldn't hurt. Oh boy, did it ever hurt! Michael 865 Saturday, January 14, 2006 From Gym_Genecanuck’s Journal This post from Michael hit a note with me when I first read it and the message is as relevant to me today as it was back in February 2005. My old way to deal with any kind of stressful event was to run to smokes to change my body chemistry. For some reason, I had this mistaken belief that cigarettes made me feel better. Well, I am sure that the nicotine temporarily gave my brain some stimulation and I made the mistaken connection that smoking had something to do with making me feel better and relieving the stressful feelings. This assumption was WRONG before and it is WRONG today!!!! I am attempting to write a Term Paper and I always feel anxiety when I write Term Papers. I know that this mistaken belief that smoking will somehow help is just that… A MISTAKEN BELIEF. I was WRONG to belief that smoking had any real connection to helping me feel better in any way, shape, or form. Once I internalize this new awareness, I will never have this psychological desire to smoke again!!! 61 Days smoke free; Two months, fifteen hours smoke free1 point
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Thank you very much and I am grateful for the site and wonderful folks that contribute so much. Hang in there all you newbies. Better days are not that far away.1 point
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Congratulations on 8 years smoke free @garry mhudson Great job!1 point
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I Will Survive (1981 Re-recording) Gloria Gaynor • I Will Survive • 2009 https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=FHhZPp08s74&si=tIA5Eb6x0uUpVocG1 point
Kool & The Gang - Celebration .... put your hands in the air :):):) Official Music Video for Celebration performed by Kool & The Gang.1 point
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Sazerac Quit Date: October 23, 2013, A Good Day to be Free. Posted October 22, 2019 In celebration of my Six Years of Freedom, I wrote this little piece, Sazerac's Simple Guide To Freedom Desire: You must want to quit more than you want to smoke Decision: Make the decision to live life without Nicotine. Commitment: Commit wholeheartedly to live without Nicotine and intend on standing by your resolve. Choice: Choose to never smoke again, EVER. This choice will empower you in many, many ways. “Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson Education * Thanks to Joel Spitzer, this site and lurking around the sphere, I am still learning everything I can about Nicotine Addiction. Information is Big Power and I feel sufficiently armed to maintain my quit. Changing Focus. It took some doing but, s l o w l y, when junkie thoughts would drag me down, I began to train myself to look at something beautiful or think of beauty in some way. This retrained my brain and also gave me a bump of endorphins. I use this technique during any moments of distress or discomfort. These are not nicotine related anymore, just moments of life. The concept of H.A.L.T. * (are you Hungry (thirsty), Angry (emotional), Lonesome (bored), Tired) Nine times out of ten, smokey thoughts weren't about nicotine at all, it was my body (poor thing) hollering at me to do something life sustaining for it. Now, the signals are very clear and not related to nicotine in any way. I also want to share the benefits of Breath. Deep, calming breaths of Oxygen. An elixir to sharpen and focus your mind away from the patterns of addiction. Rewards * Not only does rewarding yourself help re-wire your brain receptors, treating yourself well and being as kind to yourself makes life nice. A little spoiling goes a long way, especially during rugged transitions of any kind. ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Quitting smoking has taught me much about myself and the human condition. The truth and honesty involved in making and keeping a commitment to myself has been profound. I know myself so much better. I have exchanged an empty bravado for an inner trust and knowledge. I am grateful to everybody here, your stories, your triumphs and your lapses, too. ALL have helped me understand the hideousness of nicotine addiction and the Power of Choice, the Preciousness of Freedom. I am so proud to be part of this community. Y'all are beautiful nicotine free creatures, my friends. S *Joel Spitzer's Quit Smoking Library * Riffing On H.A.L.T. * The Significance of Rewards p.s. To anyone beginning their journey, I would recommend this thread, 10 Ways To Effectively Use This Forum To Stop Using Nicotine Link to original post: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/13165-simple-guide-to-freedom/1 point
Drying out in central North Carolina (Raleigh area) as Potential Tropical Cyclone 8 made landfall on the coast of the Carolinas. The storm did not fully reach the criteria of being classsified as a named Tropical Storm but people at the beaches reported record rainfall totals and some said the flooding was worse than recent Hurricane Florence a few years ago. Lots of rain and some flooding in my area but it was bad about 2 hours away at the beaches. Some photos here https://www.wral.com/photos-life-threatening-flooding-at-nc-coast-from-potential-tropical-cyclone-8/21627776/0 points
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