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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/11/24 in all areas
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Don't Negotiate, Quitnet Re-Post, January 3, 2006 Good morning, There is no real "demon" in our heads. Just stinking junkie thinking. So let's not negotiate with that junkie stinking thinking. Keep your quit. don't negotiate-repost for new quitters From terri2005 on 1/3/2006 10:04:22 AM I don`t negotiate From terri2005 on 12/9/2005 10:50:38 PM The United States has a policy of not negotiating with terrorists. And I have a similar policy. I don`t negotiate with Nico-Demons. Its not that I don`t talk to the demon now and then. He still visits once in a while even with 562 days since his last feeding. But I don`t negotiate. We just visit briefly. `How ya been?` `Better without YOU! But thanks for asking!` `How bout a little puff? I can still get some of your favorite brand.` `Sorry demon. No can do. You see...I made this little decision this morning, that just for today, I wouldn`t take that first puff of nicotine. And I`m keeping my promise. And those are nicotine. Poison in a paper tube. Sickarettes. I`d be breaking my word. To myself. To my friends. To my family. To my friends at the Q. Go away. ` `I just stopped by because I heard about that little problem at work or home or with your health or your love life . You could use some cheering up. Just one. Nobody will know.` `My work is wonderful. My home life is the best. My health is better than ever. And my wife loves me. Go Away...` `Wow! Things are good. Let`s celebrate with a sickarette!` `Maybe tomorrow. Catch me just before I wake up, ask for help, and give thanks for another great day on this wonderful planet. And for waking up smober healthy, and ALIVE! Who knows....ya might get lucky. Now go away.` `How about a drink? I`m in good with the Alcohol-Demon and he owes me a few favors...` `I bet. Go away. I`m going fishing.` Listen up newbies... A few short years ago I sat in the hospital being shot full of steroids and epinephrine just to keep me breathing another day. The x-rays showed COPD and the Dr. said the smokes were killing me. I couldn’t get up my stairs to go to bed, much less hunt and fish. But I kept negotiating with the demon, and he always won. Today...I`m off to the high mountains of Montana for three days in the wilderness. My new lungs are a real joy on the steep hikes and 7000+` elevations. And though I`ve gained a few pounds, I feel like a million bucks. And I no longer negotiate with the demon, though we do talk now and then. One day at a time. A conscious decision upon awakening. A simple prayer in the morning `please help me, just for today, to stay away from that first puff of nicotine.`. And in the evening, out of common courtesy, a simple `Thanks` seems to work. And above all, I don`t take that FIRST puff, one day at a time. I won`t be here to watch you this weekend. I won`t know if you take that first puff or not. But you`ll know. And the demon will know. And if you open that door, just a crack, he`ll be in like a flash. He`s fast. And he`s cunning, baffling, and powerful. All you have to do is refuse to negotiate. When he shows up...send him packing. Tell him to come back tomorrow. And don`t take that first puff, just for today. This is what the demon doesn`t want you to know: If you don`t take that first puff, one day at a time, it is impossible to fail! If you don`t take that first puff, just for today, you`ll absolutely, positively, be 100% guaranteed to go to bed as a WINNER tonight! troutnut14 points
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The weather here today was perfect Nice & sunny and finally warm again! Not too hot but just really warm. No humidity to speak of either but it is getting very cool at nights and early mornings now on a regular basis and to me, that signals that Autumn is here now even though the calendar says it's still summer for another week & and half. The trees out back would agree I think. The leaves on the top of the maple trees are just starting to turn ever so slightly. They were summer green last week but are showing some yellow & redish hues now. The first tree has just a faint touch of colour at the very top now. There's another tree in the neighbour's yard that's even more progressed! Always a time of mixed emotions. The beautiful visuals of the changing leaves, once they really hit their stride, is always a spectacular sight but at the same time, you know what that signals Winter's a long haul and by November, up here in Canada, you rarely see the sun. It's probably the greyist, chilliest month there is all year. Time to go somewhere warmer!!3 points
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I had to ask Siri what 9 degrees in Fahrenheit is...LOL!! Americans don't do metric. That's chilly for this time of year isn't it Doreen, or is it normally that cool in Sept? @Reciprocity I'm hoping when I am up in Toronto next month, there will be some nice color on the trees. I have a tree in my backyard that turns yellow but it does it late, starting around the middle to the end of Oct. Autumn is my favorite season but I do hate what it leads into.2 points
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Well done for recognizing your HALT triggers… and for the great work you are doing with breaking your old associations with smoking and tuning in to your root needs. (Rather than nicotine.) Every time you redirect your attention past a craving you contribute to the long term rewiring of your brain. Soon you’ll be celebrating a month of freedom! KTQ!2 points
Good morning, My hubby works shift work and his weekend this week is Monday and Tuesday. Last night, he was in relaxation mode and of course, for him that involves smoking. I came home from work and was feeling tired. You know what happens when you feel hungry, angry, lonely or tired. Your body screams that it needs self care. I always use to mistake that as a need and a reason to SMOKE. And that old mistaken belief last night caused some stinking thinking.... screaming that it wanted to smoke. And of course, hubby had lots of those nasty ciggies around. But this time, I knew what was happening. And I decided not to smoke. As long as I keep recognizing that I have to take care of myself and respond to my needs, I won't make the mistake of believing that SMOKING has anything to do with making me feel better when what I really need is some self care. Keep the quit.2 points
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The trees starting this early might be a sign that this year's colour show might be a good one however, the change in the city normally is later that areas farther north. You may get lucky though Right now, it's warmed up again to summer like temps. Still getting cool overnight though so hopefully the colour change will continue.1 point
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Who? A Quitnet Repost, About Commitment, January 16, 2006 This post is about committment. We have all made a commitment to keep the quit. This "[a]ction has magic, grace, and power in it." Keep the quit. Repost: Who? From hoarserockstar on 1/16/2006 11:14:06 PM I was so impressed with this when I was very early in my quit that I copied it without reference to the author. I think Gummer put it up but it was a quote from someone much longer ago: " Until one is committed there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: That the moment one definitely commits oneself then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would otherwise never have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision raising in one's favor all manner of incidents and meetings and material assistance which no man would have believed would have come. Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do; begin it. Action has magic, grace, and power in it." Help me out and name that author. Andrew d 591 point
Welcome @DFINALJ, congratulations on over a year quit. Thank you for letting us know this kind of garbage exists. I have removed the link though as there's no need for someone who's quitting to view it and possibly get triggered. If you get a chance maybe you could head over to the Introduction forum and introduce yourself to everyone ☺1 point
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Are You Happy For The Right Reasons. A Quitnet Re-Post, February 2, 2004 Good morning. Tomasso reminded us that we should be grateful for all the benefits we experience when we quit smoking. NOPE! Keep the quit. Your Quit - Are You Happy For The Right Reasons ..... From Tomaso on 2/24/2004 10:04:39 PM Oh ya! I'm more than happy I quit - I am especially happy that I no longer contribute to the tobacco company’s annual sales. I'm even happier that I no longer contribute to federal, state and local government’s tax on tobacco products. Yes, I'm happy for me too. I have only one problem - I can not enjoy an increase in energy that comes with quitting and I can not enjoy the ability to breathe easier. I waited to long to quit. Had I not quit I would not be here today and so I have benefited significantly by extending my life - I wonder if anyone can truly appreciate life without having the experience of critical illness - that is knowing you will not get better and feeling your life slip away a little bit with each passing week and month. I'm really sorry I can not enjoy the freedom of having renewed energy and the ability to breathe so much better than before. I'm not posting this for anyone to feel bad for me. I have made my choices in life and I accept the consequences of my actions. I'm posting this message for you. Yes, I want you to have what I can not. I want you to quit and stay quit. I want you to live and to help others live by helping them win their freedom from this terrible addiction before they too fall victim to the ravages of smoking. Tomaso1 point
Yeah it cooled down here a lot as well. It's 70 degrees and no humidity today and tomorrow will be the same as well. I am totally loving this weather!!! The rest of the week in the low 80s and probably humid again. My favorite season is just around the corner!!!1 point
Weather changed pretty dramatically here Sat. Rained a lot on friday with a cold front coming in. Sat & today the high for the days has been 16C (60F) and both days have been windy so adds to the coolness. Taste of autumn for sure Best time of year for overseeding the lawns with cool nights & warmish days so; I'd better get at it!!1 point
Well !!! Back from sunny 27 deg in Tenerife…to a mere 9 here in murky Liverpool …I need to fish my Thermals out for sure0 points
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