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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/24 in all areas

  1. Recently got back from traveling. I often forget about ever being a smoker. My memories do get triggered sometimes. TV shows, movies, songs. Nothing reminds me of smoker’s angst like traveling. Flying to be exact. I always arrive hours before my flight because flying out of the airport I use requires it! It is a busy one. Of course I get out of the taxi at the butt-crack of dawn and get slapped in the face by the nasty hand cigarette smoke. I make it through their haze, get my bag checked, clear security and have plenty of time to get to my gate- with a stop or two for shopping along the way and maybe a Bloody Mary (just 1 okay maybe 2 tops because I’ve cut waaaay back on drinking but hate take off). My airport- from what I can tell and smell-has gotten rid of the smoking lounges. How many smokers miss their flight because they push it to the limit getting checked in? Also curious how many drinkers miss theirs because they are getting “just one more”? Truth be told once upon a time in my younger years I missed a flight because I was in the bar and didn’t hear final boarding call. My flight was less than 2 hours. I wonder how many were chomping at the bit. I get to baggage claim and patiently wait for my luggage. Didn’t need to run outside first. Got my luggage and head out to get a ride…through another suffocating haze of smoke. Get to my hotel. Have to pass through another damn curtain of smoke. But once in my room- I didn’t have to leave until my meetings started. No running outside to inhale poison in 110 degree weather. Nope. Cool comfort of AC for me please! Meetings used to stress me out because- closet smoker here had to plan escapes! Not anymore! I had leisurely breaks, got fancy coffee- delicious lunches!! I’m glad I’m not a prisoner to that addiction anymore. It is freeing to travel and explore without being chained to the bench outside. NOPE!!! L4L
    6 points
  2. Members G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required.)
    6 points
  3. I almost missed an international flight from Rome because I had to go back through customs for one last cigarette. My wife wanted to throttle me.
    5 points
  4. I’ve never missed my flight , but do remember taking 24 hr flights to visit Nicky in Australia , Stopping at Singapore for 1 hr . They had a smoking area .. O.M.G that area stank and was so foggy , I crammed as many of those cancer sticks possible in that time .. I remember the stench of my clothes and feeling ill The last time I visited her was a different experience all together .. so calm
    4 points
  5. NOPE..,.. sorry folk seems someone tripped over the undersea cable, a gorilla, Godzilla who knows!
    4 points
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