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Yeah, I think the anger this would cause someone would just fuel the need for another cigarette. I don’t know. While the ultimate responsibility for our smoking lies with us, Big T definitely should be held accountable for engineering their product to keep us hooked. I also think that a certain number of nicotine addicts would band together and start some kind of revolution. But most books and Hollywood almost always portray revolutionists as smokers. HaHa NOT funny really. Just an aspect of the Big T’s web.2 points
@Gus great post and insight. Those CDC commercials (that one plus the lady with the trach, and the man with the heart surgery scar) have been around for quite awhile. They have recently started airing again. I remember seeing them early in my quit. Oddly enough- I have friends that work at CDC- even worked on the anti-smoking campaigns. There is a shift in the messaging. If you see the newer anti-smoking ads (the ones for menthol cigs) - the focus is being mad at Big Tobacco. The sleazy marketing Big T used to lure certain demographics. That shift (continuing to expose the lies) will hopefully resonate vs the bad things happen to smokers approach. How many smokers read the warning labels on their packs while opening it, taking out a cigarette and lighting it? Or just plain avoid looking at the label-or don’t look because their talking, watching TV etc. I read the labels. Didn’t stop me. What if the labels listed the annual profits to Big T and/or the annual cost to one person to treat smoking related illness(es). Learning about addiction (Allen Carr)& the corruption of Big T really guided me in my quit… …And the online support! L4L2 points
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This thread is the most important thread in my eyes. That promise you make to yourself that you will not smoke today.... priceless1 point
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Gday These types will of adds set up a world that says “smoking is bad…..” Then comes that personal thing in your own life that pushes you over that line. Me it was pneumonia. Then it became. “Smoking was bad…. For Me!1 point
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Same with me. I guess, as with any addiction, the addict has to reach their own personal ‘rock bottom’.1 point
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Now that it's been mentioned in this thread, I too have noticed they are running a similar set of TV commercials here in Canada recently too! It's not the same lady but a very similar woman that's talking about how her experience has affected her entire family. There's another one with a guy in it but here, it wouldn't be CDC based ads but Health Canada I think - same idea. As we all know though, those ads don't seem to have any immediate effect on convincing people to quit. Maybe they play them hoping for a subliminal effect later on when the people think about quitting on their own?1 point
Congratulations and best wishes. Hang in there. You got this.1 point
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Congratulations Stew on your 11 month quit! See you on the Lido Deck next month!1 point
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Apologies to Christian 99 for pressing the wrong button on your post.. Its hard to lose a loved one to a smoking related illness ..I watch my hubby die slowly from Emphysema …very sad …0 points
That video is so very, very sad @Christian99 and I’m sorry that your brothers death was so hard and terrible. My husbands death was the same although his cancer was not smoking related.0 points
I can't watch the following ad without crying, in large part because the man bears a striking resemblance to my brother, who died a terrible death from lung cancer at age 42. https://www.google.com/search?q=que+sera+sera+smoking+ad&oq=que+sera+sera+smoking+ad&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigATIHCAMQIRigATIHCAQQIRigATIHCAUQIRigAdIBCDU1ODRqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:24cf3297,vid:8TCS9LbihCQ,st:00 points
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