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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/13/24 in all areas

  1. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required.
    5 points
  2. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required.
    4 points
  3. Dear All, Time to time I visit this website. Now I am extremely happy to inform you all that I crossed 9 years, 28 days of smoke free. Somehow I managed it. So I hope every smoker can become a non smoker. Thanks you all for the wishes. Cheers, Raja
    1 point
  4. Hey, I could not count how many times I have failed with nicotine. It could be cigarettes, velo or vaping. I started in my 18 and it is continuing to ruin my inner energy and confidence since then. So it is already 12 years of struggling to quit and today I try this forum to help me. I will also transfer everyday money for each clean day to my saving account to get my dream scooter so lets get it started. I will be greatful for any reccomendations how to use this forum although I will go through the beginners manual anyway and try to post daily my commitment and progress. Ultimately, my goal is to help others once I help myself Because there is nothing on this planet I wish more than free myself from this mental prison which is nicotine. So today, while vaping, writing this post and giving a public promise to quit 6.6.2024 at 8pm (in approx 6 minutes) and to never touch this hell ever again. Thank you all for support and may the power be with us.
    1 point
  5. Reci -1 Stewpot 000000 Back from the hospital almost unscathed..!!!
    1 point
  6. When I was still on the quitting/failing/quitting/failing merry go round, I didn’t realize that smoking made me feel worse, not better. Stepping off that cycle is hard, but you’ll be so proud of yourself when you do - and you will cherish your freedom. I like your note that you will need to do something different this coming Sunday. Make a plan and stick to it. Be especially vigilant any time you are HALTed… Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired. We (ab)used nicotine to take the edge off those feelings, and they can be big triggers. Quitting is a time of experimenting with new responses, not relying on smoking to pickle our feelings. Try again - you CAN do this!
    1 point
  7. One day at a time, you are doing it right. Keep up the awesome work!
    1 point
  8. 1 …back you stick
    1 point
  9. What does smoking to for you on Sunday night that you can't get without smoking? Is it a feeling that you are missing out on something? Is it just the habit / routine? Think hard about why you are smoking to understand what is causing you to fail your quit. You could also ask Doreen to come hit you with a frying pan.
    1 point
  10. Congrats…!!! im following on your tail… October and I’ve caught you.
    1 point
  11. Inspiring!! Glad you stopped by, and happy anniversary!
    1 point
  12. Congrats on your 9 years quit Rajag!
    1 point
  13. Congratulations on 9 years smoke free @Rajag Great job!
    1 point
  14. Thank yu, just finished my 1st day clean
    1 point
  15. Welcome to QuitTrain @Dejvis93. So glad that you found us to help you along your quitting journey! Quitting smoking isn't easy and I'm not gonna sugar coat it at all. It's difficult in the beginning but totally doable. This forum helped me so much and I have made some great friends along the way. There is a whole bunch of information for you to read, videos to watch and people to talk to. We are all at different stages of quitting. This is my 2nd and last time quitting. First time was back in 2009 when I quit for 6 years. This is my last time and I am now a little over a year quit. We have a couple people here who are newbies, a few who are at the decade level and many in between. Stick around, vent to us when you need to as you will get a lot of support. There is also a games section to take your mind off of smoking. So again, welcome, good luck with your quit and have a great evening!
    1 point
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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