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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/11/24 in all areas

  1. Dear All, Time to time I visit this website. Now I am extremely happy to inform you all that I crossed 9 years, 28 days of smoke free. Somehow I managed it. So I hope every smoker can become a non smoker. Thanks you all for the wishes. Cheers, Raja
    4 points
  2. NOPE……. Cause I’m only one puff away from 20 a day
    4 points
  3. I must say, today is very difficult. As yesterday seemed easier. But it would be kind of stupid to fail again, so I dont have much a choice. I am trying to focus on all those positives, that I wake up with energy and motivation, my brain is functioning better. So lets keep going. Some chocolate and food helped me today to go through. Mood is not the best, but closing 5 days in around 4 hours and that gives me a good prospect.
    3 points
  4. You are doing really great! I know it's so hard in the beginning but hang in there, I promise it will get easier, much easier as the time goes on. The first week is hell for sure, that's why they call it hell week. No, definitely don't give up because you will only go through the withdrawals again. Just keep doing what you are doing. Drink lots of water and keep busy, which you are doing. You got this!!
    3 points
  5. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required.
    3 points
  6. Congratulations on 9 years smoke free @Rajag Great job!
    2 points
  7. GJ Raja Excellent quit 9 years is awesome. Well done here's to many more years.
    2 points
  8. Congratulations @Rajag, that's awesome!
    2 points
  9. Inspiring!! Glad you stopped by, and happy anniversary!
    1 point
  10. Congrats on your 9 years quit Rajag!
    1 point
  11. You are doing great and what you are experiencing is normal. After the first few days, your emotions do go on a rollercoaster. Some days are better than others. But, do stick with it. Things do get better the deeper you get in your quit. Keep up the great work.
    1 point
  12. Steady Dor Think you will find the No is 000000
    1 point
  13. Congratulations 9 years is a great achievement ,Reward yourself , you have earned it Look forward to see you at the Decade Party x
    1 point
  14. Congratulations friend!! This is an amazing accomplishment dude. I’m proud of you! Look at all these ppl that look up to you and appreciate all you do for them (me included) I hope you treated yourself
    1 point
  15. Gday stew Hang in there I’m sure it will all come good. In my prayers
    1 point
  16. Congrats on your quit, is it day 5 today, almost a week, fantastic
    1 point
  17. Welcome back Doreen!! So glad you had a great trip. I loved Belgium and I remember the chocolates were to die for!
    1 point
  18. Fair warning, I’m gonna be blunt here. Not to criticize, but to support the part of you that clearly wants to quit - or else you wouldn’t be here. Nicotine addiction will justify itself in order to maintain its grip on your life. Beware of the web of lies addiction can weave to keep you trapped. As a smoker, I spun out a lot of rationalizations about how smoking was natural, spiritual, mind-clearing, something my soul would be bereft without. In hindsight, it turns out that was 100% crap. Just my excuses to keep smoking. I wasn’t drawn to a higher plane… I was a junkie hooked on nicotine the same as any junkie hooked on heroin. Every person’s journey is their own, and everyone has to come into reckoning with their addiction in their own way. So whatever works for you is great. But at the end of the day, the only way to stop smoking is… to actually stop smoking.
    1 point
  19. Such doubts are the addicted part of your brain putting up a fuss about not getting its nicotine fix. This part of your brain will tell you all kinds of stories… that smoking isn’t too bad, that quitting is too hard, that smoking is so gratifying, that just a little puff wouldn’t hurt. All lies! Don’t fall for them. Stay strong, stay busy, protect your precious quit. Throw away the smokes…soak them in water or pee to destroy them. You can do this.
    1 point
  20. @Breath-of-Power getting started is the hardest part. you body will resist change because it is wired for homeostasis. free your mind from the addiction and the body will have to follow. one thing i have found recently that helps me is to take Vitamin B3 in the form of nicotinic acid. There is a flush that goes along with it. My skin turns red and feels like it's on fire but after that goes away I'm more relaxed and I have much less mental chatter in my head. I feel like it could have made my transition to being a non smoker alot easier. Anyhow, research it, ask your doctor. It's supposed to help with addiction so maybe it could be an aid even if it's only a placebo effect. Stay strong and stay quit
    1 point
  21. Thank yu, just finished my 1st day clean
    1 point
  22. Warmest congratulations, Jillar! I deeply admire your commitment and contributions to this site and to fellow quitters. Christian99
    1 point
  23. Congrats Jillar on 8 Years… that’s just fabulous. Thank you for being here for us all.
    1 point
  24. Congrats on 8 years! you deserve this, well done
    1 point
  25. Sorry to be late to the celebration (on a work trip), but I couldn’t miss the belated chance to send love and gratitude your way! Congratulations on 8 years, and thanks so much for the support you offer to the rest of us.
    1 point
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