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I will not give any advices as I am just going through my first day. However I do understand what it feels like to fail with addiction and how much we want to be clean although running to the shop later and buy a new pack. So...I wish you all the strenght and lets post everyday here. I believe in the communicty power, we all know that nicotine addiction brings abslutely ZERO positivity and kills all thebeauty inside of us.8 points
! NOPE ! Giving my promise to not have any kind of nicotine today. Day 1 (13 hours clean)8 points
Congratulations!!! Getting over the hurdle of the first few days is a major achievement. Onward and upward to Day 6!6 points
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Been here before. Need to quit. Sitting here smoking now. Set myself a time to quit later on today. I've got my son then for the weekend and he's never seen me smoking as I don't do it when he's with me so it will give me the weekend till Sunday evening with him, not smoking. The time I struggle is when he goes home. I abstain every Friday till Sunday evening and then when he goes home I go running the shop for ciggies. Im at a loose end at that point. The struggle starts then. I've got the Allen Carr motivational books. I've never listened to a podcast but am looking for a good podcast series to get into. I have a gym membership I haven't used since going full time smoking again. I've had long quits in the past so the will is in there somewhere. Every single Friday he comes to my house I think that I'll carry on the quit. Sometimes I get to the Tuesday or Wednesday without having one and then I'll crash and burn and scurry to the shop. I really, really want to quit. The money, the hiding and the health are all the reasons needed. What else can be done. Ive been down the road before with a long quit. A massive quit for a few years. I need to kill this once and for all. Any tips much appreciated people. Sorry, wrong thread. Can anyone move this to quit smoking discussions for me?5 points
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Support from people quitting around the same time can be a powerful quit tool. Even though all of us quitters have been through the same struggles when quitting, it's sometimes easier to relate to that other person who is involved in the same fight as we are and at the same time. Best wishes to both of you and always remember, it IS possible if you want it badly enough!5 points
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Welcome back, tocevoD. It's a great idea, I think, to get back to the gym on a regular basis: this was a crucial dimension of my own quit. I paired that with some significant changes in my diet as well, hoping that the fitness and food would give me things in which I could actively engage and on which I could focus my attention (instead of on the thing I was ostensibly denying myself). Another way to say this is that I began a self-improvement project centered on HEALTH, of which quitting smoking was just one (super important) part. Whatever approach you use (and, BTW, the "Ben and Jerry's Plan" is just as legitimate and noble as my more abstemious one), we know you can do it and will be cheering you on. Christian99 22+ Years Quit4 points
Glad to see you back @tocevoD, you know you can do this because you already have. When Sunday night comes and your son goes home is the time you need the most support it sounds like so come here so we can help you! Also remember your clues, have you tried my JAC air cigarette or sucking on candies? Would your ex let you have your son an extra day to break up the habit? I stopped smoking in places I normally smoked so I wouldn't associate them with smoking after I quit. Maybe that would work for your Sundays?4 points
Glad to hear that you still want to quit @tocevoD. It is wonderfully liberating to step off the crazy merry-go-round of craving, caving and self-loathing. You CAN stop the madness! At first, quitting feels like you’re being deprived of something and will be miserable forever - but that’s just your addict compulsion kicking up a fuss. None of it is true. Don’t let it win. Don’t buy those smokes. Stay busy with other things, stay strong, stay positive, and keep your quit!4 points
I am on my 15 hours clan ride now. Well I am just finishing first pack of sugarfree orbit gums, I am struggling to focus on my work, TGIF so I dont need to do much and will have a walk for some good lunch, enjoy the series and then take a nap, play some chess online..this is my plan to get through day. Evening I want to go gym and sauna, to finish my 24 hours clean without nicotine with a good gym session would be amazing and I am ready to go! Just to really say how significant is for me to get 24 hours clean without addiction ym addiction is extremely strong, I almost never done 1 day, failes hundreths of times..so do 24 hours will be a reason to selebrate and then, another day! but today, I focus on now and today4 points
Hi @Dejvis93! Good riddance to the vaping, and welcome to your new freedom! Being part of a group like this is a great source of support and information as well as positive reinforcement for your resolve and accountability. Nicotine is a cunning opponent, but quitting IS possible. Learn all you can about addiction, stay busy and stay positive!4 points
Chris. I can smell that all the way over here. Not just NOPE!! but ..........................................SUPER NOPE!!4 points
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Hello, today is my first whole clean day ahead. I am now 13 hours clean and finished my morning running with cold shower, getting into work and got my sugarfree gums ready to get through this day. Even getting through 1 day for me is something almost unachievable before, I almost never did the whole 24 hours. So if you see me here after that, I guess we are on a good way and I already gave my promise today...so I think I will make it. Anyway, will keep it active and share my thoughts later. Stay strong3 points
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Congratulations Amy 3 years is Amazing .. Thank you for sharing it with us Dane Well done done buddy , every day without those cancer sticks is a massive achievement x3 points
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Welcome aboard the train @Dejvis93. You've already got great advice from the veterans. All I will add is look into nicotinic acid...aka niacin...aka Vitamin B3. I've been fascinated with it lately as it is used for all types of addictions and mental disorders so of course I tried it and of course I took the mega dose. Does it work? I don't know but I did enjoy the flush I got. This isn't a recommendation however. It's just what I do. Do your research and consult your doctor before you decide it's right for you. Anyway, glad you decided to quit and came here to get some support.3 points
I agree with @Reciprocity everyday quit is worth celebrating. Congratulations @Dane3 points
Welcome @Dejvis93! Quitting is possible for all of us and that applies to you as well. You just have to stick to your commitment to take another puff on the vape or a cig. It's quite simple actually but it's not easy! Nicotine addiction will play havoc with your mind in the early days of withdrawal. Some days, you just gotta grit your teeth and deny even the most difficult cravings. Even the most difficult quit never killed anyone where as smoking ...... well, that's a different story. Just make wise choices and never listen to the little nagging voice in your head that tries to convince you to have "just a few puffs". You can do it my friend!3 points
Every day you're smoke free is a victory worth celebrating! Don't ever sell yourself short just because you only have a few days. 5 days or 5 years; they're both hard fought victories!! You have every right to be proud Dane!3 points
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Sorry I’m not around just now , Just wanted to say to you both Hello and welcome . You will find the best support here xx2 points
20 hours clean! Watching French open semi finals, finished 2 packs of chewing gums and getting ready for gym, I will celebrate my 24 hours of quit today in gym 8pm Cannot wait.2 points
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Also! today is French Open ATP semi finals, so have something to watch and enjoy I recommend to all, this will be amazing tennis.2 points
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Oongratulstions i Am celebrating my 5 day I know it’s not a long time but after off a 10 year on off period I feel I am finally dong something positive2 points
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Congratulations @Dejvis93 That first day is the toughest. Keep up the great work, you are doing a great thing in quitting smoking.1 point
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This place is a great help as it has been in the past for me. I just need to harness it with my own willpower aswell. Stick with quit train, the help off the people on here is great1 point
Thanks jillar. I would prefer it if it was on the Quit Smoking Discussions instead of the SOS.1 point
Here's another chart, just to show you the spread on a pack of 20 Marlboro cigs around the world: Incredible, the difference in cost for the same pack of smokes Here's the link to costs around the world: https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_price_rankings?itemId=171 point
Vapes are absolutely worse, because you end up to puff all day long. There is no space limitations or lighting cigarette effect, you can puff all hour long, so it is so much addictive. Well, anything with nicotine is just pure evil. Best business, you get new customers quickly and most of them you have for life Yeah Prague is great city, very nice to visit.1 point
Welcome to quittrain @Dejvis93, what a great gift you're giving yourself to take back your freedom The beginners manual as you call it is a great place to start. All of the pinned posts at the top of the forums are great to educate yourself on our addiction. Feel free to ask the board any questions along the way. We have a great group here in all phases of quitting so more than likely someone can help You can do this, we are all proof. Stay close, post often. Read threads of watch videos if that's more your thing, we have a ton of them1 point
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Sazerac Quit Date: October 23, 2013, A Good Day to be Free. Posted May 1, 2018 I have confidence in my quit and estimate my chance of relapse is low still...addiction is a wily condition and I am human. Here are my four maneuvers to avert relapse, ( Think again, Get right with yourself, Contact an ally, Post an SOS ) and a slew of red flags... When you know better yet, are purposefully leading yourself astray ~ think again, get right with yourself, contact an ally, post an SOS ~ If you have tiny tempting smokey thoughts that you are nuturing by not dismissing immediately and aggressively ~ think again, get right with yourself, contact an ally, post an SOS ~ I won't get addicted this time ~ think again, get right with yourself, contact an ally, post an SOS ~ Whenever you start to 'romance smoking' ~ think again, get right with yourself, contact an ally, post an SOS ~ If you seriously entertain the idea that smoking looks attractive or makes you feel carefree and part of the fun ~ think again, get right with yourself, contact an ally, post an SOS ~ If you are having silly thoughts like, my smoking friends are having a great time and I'm missing out ~ think again, get right with yourself, contact an ally, post an SOS ~ If you really wonder, what it would it taste like now, ~ think again, get right with yourself, contact an ally, post an SOS ~ Will I still get that, 'ahhhh' feeling ? ~ think again, get right with yourself, contact an ally, post an SOS ~ When you start to think that you are 'different' and that you can handle just one. ~ think again, get right with yourself, contact an ally, post an SOS ~ Do you think you can quit again without much effort? ~ think again, get right with yourself, contact an ally, post an SOS ~ If you want to give yourself permission for just one, once in a while, just this once ~ think again, get right with yourself, contact an ally, post an SOS ~ If you feel too secure in your quit and start to act cocky ~ think again, get right with yourself, contact an ally, post an SOS ~ If you propose to test your quit ~ think again, get right with yourself, contact an ally, post an SOS ~ Are you starting to believe, you've been quit long enough to handle a puff or two? ~ think again, get right with yourself, contact an ally, post an SOS ~ If you know too much to get addicted again ~ think again, get right with yourself, contact an ally, post an SOS ~ Whever you are doubting your commitment to your quit ~ think again, get right with yourself, contact an ally, post an SOS ~ If you ignore the reality that smoking is a terrifying choice with significant consequences ~ think again, get right with yourself, contact an ally, post an SOS ~ If you are dismissive of the fact that you can Never Take Another Puff, Not One Puff Ever. ~ think again, get right with yourself, contact an ally, post an SOS ~ I forgot the major red flag, I am not an addict ! ~ think again, get right with yourself, contact an ally, post an SOS ~ I'm an adult and I'll do wtf I want ! ~ think again, get right with yourself, contact an ally, post an SOS ~ Have you more red flags to add ? Different manuevers ? link to original post: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/10297-red-flags/1 point
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