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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/24 in all areas

  1. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required.
    6 points
  2. Hey, I could not count how many times I have failed with nicotine. It could be cigarettes, velo or vaping. I started in my 18 and it is continuing to ruin my inner energy and confidence since then. So it is already 12 years of struggling to quit and today I try this forum to help me. I will also transfer everyday money for each clean day to my saving account to get my dream scooter so lets get it started. I will be greatful for any reccomendations how to use this forum although I will go through the beginners manual anyway and try to post daily my commitment and progress. Ultimately, my goal is to help others once I help myself Because there is nothing on this planet I wish more than free myself from this mental prison which is nicotine. So today, while vaping, writing this post and giving a public promise to quit 6.6.2024 at 8pm (in approx 6 minutes) and to never touch this hell ever again. Thank you all for support and may the power be with us.
    5 points
  3. Oongratulstions i Am celebrating my 5 day I know it’s not a long time but after off a 10 year on off period I feel I am finally dong something positive
    5 points
  4. Better today. Mr. 5 don't be concerned, my quit is here to stay. Still a "rare" craving pops up here and there but fly swatters take care of them!! My Doc said the Steroids for my back tasked my immune system and allowed the sinus cold to become pneumonia and to become advanced so quickly. Couldn't imagine being a smoker with this infection, death would definitely be standing next to you with his sickle waiting... Don't Worry,,, Be Happy!! KTQ. Cheers Stew.
    4 points
  5. There might be a lot less smokers but lets focus on nicotine, where there is an incredible increase in use among the young generation. I believe there is even increase in general to nicotine addiction as you can see almost everyone puffing vapes or chewing nicotine pouches...It is incredible how one can hate it in one time and not be able to quit it on the other hand whie knowing all the bad things about it
    3 points
  6. Welcome to quittrain @Dejvis93, what a great gift you're giving yourself to take back your freedom The beginners manual as you call it is a great place to start. All of the pinned posts at the top of the forums are great to educate yourself on our addiction. Feel free to ask the board any questions along the way. We have a great group here in all phases of quitting so more than likely someone can help You can do this, we are all proof. Stay close, post often. Read threads of watch videos if that's more your thing, we have a ton of them
    3 points
  7. Welcome to QuitTrain @Dejvis93. So glad that you found us to help you along your quitting journey! Quitting smoking isn't easy and I'm not gonna sugar coat it at all. It's difficult in the beginning but totally doable. This forum helped me so much and I have made some great friends along the way. There is a whole bunch of information for you to read, videos to watch and people to talk to. We are all at different stages of quitting. This is my 2nd and last time quitting. First time was back in 2009 when I quit for 6 years. This is my last time and I am now a little over a year quit. We have a couple people here who are newbies, a few who are at the decade level and many in between. Stick around, vent to us when you need to as you will get a lot of support. There is also a games section to take your mind off of smoking. So again, welcome, good luck with your quit and have a great evening!
    3 points
  8. NOPE. Stopped nicotine today 8PM Czechia time. forever.
    3 points
  9. NOPE!! and NFW. No Fricking Way.
    3 points
  10. I was on Instagram yesterday and this picture came up in my feed. Look at the cost of the price of a pack of cigarettes!! $10 for the USA depends upon where you live. I was in a card store a couple weeks ago and a pack of Marlboro cost a whopping $17.00 here in NYC!! I couldn't believe it, how can anyone afford that if they smoke a carton a week!! Totally insane!!
    2 points
  11. Every day you're smoke free is a victory worth celebrating! Don't ever sell yourself short just because you only have a few days. 5 days or 5 years; they're both hard fought victories!! You have every right to be proud Dane!
    2 points
    2 points
  13. Chris. I can smell that all the way over here. Not just NOPE!! but ..........................................SUPER NOPE!!
    2 points
  14. Alright, I have failed maybe thousand times with nicotine, it is torturing me for already 12 years, since I started in my 18. It is now time to use the forum and power of network to quit once for all. So today 8pm I put nicotine away and going to post my thoughts, struggles and progress on the way. Welcome I hope this might one day help to someone, but first I need to help myself. Nicotine cost me not only health, tons of money and relationships, but also caused very bad situations along the way. So the ony way is to go clean, day by day.
    2 points
  15. Vapes are absolutely worse, because you end up to puff all day long. There is no space limitations or lighting cigarette effect, you can puff all hour long, so it is so much addictive. Well, anything with nicotine is just pure evil. Best business, you get new customers quickly and most of them you have for life Yeah Prague is great city, very nice to visit.
    2 points
  16. The problem with young generation is mostly flavoured vapes, it is so spread, incredible. Companies already understand that people know about how smoking is bad for health but the main factor is nicotine so they also transformed into chewing pouches and electronic cigarettes. Anyway, i bought today loads of chewing gums sugarfree and will probably make my jews double in size tomorrow hahah. 1 hour clean now
    2 points
  17. Getting through 30 minutes, bought many chewing gums and going to do some work. Nice feeling to knowing I will not be falling asleep with my vape in hands.
    2 points
  18. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required.
    2 points
  19. Welcome @Dejvis93! Quitting is possible for all of us and that applies to you as well. You just have to stick to your commitment to take another puff on the vape or a cig. It's quite simple actually but it's not easy! Nicotine addiction will play havoc with your mind in the early days of withdrawal. Some days, you just gotta grit your teeth and deny even the most difficult cravings. Even the most difficult quit never killed anyone where as smoking ...... well, that's a different story. Just make wise choices and never listen to the little nagging voice in your head that tries to convince you to have "just a few puffs". You can do it my friend!
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. 2 hours clean, going to sleep and will enter day 1! so far I feel ok. The struggle will appear tomorrow morning, but I am ready!
    1 point
  22. They say those vapes are even worse than cigarettes, although I don't know why. Companies are out to make money and they don't care if nicotine is bad for us, all they want to do is "sell, sell, sell", the bottom line are their sales and how to constantly increase them. Sugar free gum is great!! Also, drink lots of water that will help flush out the toxins from your body. 1 hour clean is great, take it by the minute, if you have to. Hey, we have all been in your exact position at one time, otherwise this forum wouldn't exist...LOL!! Stick around @Dejvis93, you will make lots of friends on here. So you are from Prague? That is very cool. I have never been, but I would love to one day. My mom and one of my son's have been there and they loved it. So much history and beauty.
    1 point
  23. Nicotine in any form has a huge hold on us, otherwise none of us would be on this forum...LOL!! I read that the nicotine addiction is just as bad or even worse than someone addicted to heroin! Although I am surprised that there is an increase in the younger generation addicted to nicotine. You would think with all the information out there for so many years on how bad it is, the young people of today wouldn't do it. Well, you certainly made the right decision! What helped me in the first couple of months of my quit was taking cinnamon sticks and making believe that I was smoking a cigarette. I would suck in air from the hole and then make believe I was blowing it out. The cinnamon really tasted nice and it would help me. I bought a package of several sticks and kept one in my handbag at all times, plus a couple around my house. They really did help. If you don't like cinnamon, you can use cut up straws. Do whatever it takes to help you.
    1 point
  24. That will definitely help to keep people from smoking! Although, there are a lot less smokers now than there were 30 years ago.
    1 point
  25. We need to charge $28.00 for a pack here in the US!
    1 point
  26. Hi guys feeling much better today after a tough two days. Especially yesterday Can now get on with life the gums in the bin and I am feeling fit and my fighting spirit is back
    1 point
  27. Thanks all for your support I am feeling more confident now like I say if my mum can do it anyone can
    1 point
  28. Tonight's dinner....chicken chili....was really good!!
    1 point
  29. Glad your still quit Jim. Congrats on 7 years.
    1 point
  30. Well - going forward, you might find the SOS board more use if you post before you smoke. Why did you smoke?
    1 point
  31. Water Dancing Cleaning Naps Basically kept busy and posted like a woman possessed :)
    1 point
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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